Captivated by The Stars

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Chapter Four;

I woke up on a large wine red bed, the covers neatly folded over my body as my hands laid above my head, sandwiching my face. The first thing I did was take in my surroundings, my eyes flashing between the different windows scattered around the small room. The view seemed nice—white clouds and a blue sky.

My first thoughts were, okay—I'm back at my house, in my bed and I fell asleep. Then I realized this is clearly not my house, it's a random bedroom, and I was tied up by the wrists. The panic started to take over and my head flew forward. The room was basically empty, there was a single white door across from me and a dresser to my left. The walls were painted a deep red and the floor was a dark wood paneling.

I was able to sit up because the things that bound my hands was a long rope. My hands still laid together at my side as the bed sheets fell off of me. I was no longer wearing pajamas—now I was wearing a beautiful white gown. It was soft, silky to the touch and almost reflective. Unsure of how I changed outfits I became cautious. Was it the woman?

I kicked the blankets off of my feet and sat on the side of the bed. I felt overwhelmed with confusion. Anxiety started to make its way up my throat until I felt like I was going to throw up. Natsu came to mind. I wondered if he was in the same boat as I. I hoped he was safe atleast, I hoped he was not too worried.

I tried to remember what happened but all I could recall was Serena disappearing and then everything going black. Did she take me with her? Why?

I sighed in frustration. My head started to pound and I winced at the pain. I felt sore all over—my legs ached and my arms burned. I glanced down at my wrists, markings scarred them as the ropes shifted against my skin to reveal the bruises.

I think the most terrifying part was not the imminent fear of violence, it was the huge pressuring feeling of being alone. Sitting in a strange room, unsure and scared, all by my self. Hopeless and afraid, my eyes began to turn red. Tears fought to fall but I bit my lip and did my best to push them back. I wanted so desperately to go home, to go back to Natsu and be with him.

With him I felt safe.

I mentally yelled at myself, stop pouting Lucy. Focus, you're stuck in this place, don't whine and cry. Think. Find an escape. I stood up and was greeted by the cold floor against my skin. I took only a few steps before my hands were unable to move any further.

I barely made it half way to the window, I tried to push myself up to see more but all I saw was the tops of trees. Birds flew past the window, stopping to take a little look in. Like I was the creature on display, desperate to escape a cage and venture off into the sky.

"Lucy Heartfilia," There was no door opening, she just emerged from nothing into the room. "Heir of the Heartfilia estate, Celestial Spirit wizard and Fairy Tail mage."

I watched her carefully as she approached, a sinister smile on her face. No longer a look of sadness and anguish, she looked delighted-almost excited to see me.

"I know, poor thing can't speak. But you just need to listen, you don't have a long life left to live," She sat on the bed and motioned for me to join her.

I sat next to her and she sighed in contempt, her eyes drifting over to the window as a bird landed on the frame.

"I'm going to give you some advice, that boy you were thinking of confessing your feelings to—oh yes dear it doesn't take a genius to know what you were trying to do out there. Under the stars, moonlight, it was perfect! Too bad I completely ruined it," She laughed before taking my hand and slapping it softly.

"Except maybe for him," She laughed again. "You hesitate because you are afraid of not being enough. But what constitutes, enough? Who decides what is or what is not enough? Now, I can't stand you—but you're a pretty girl, sure. You seem somewhat normal in personality and you're smart. Only you get to decide whether or not you're good enough, don't leave it up to some stupid little boy!"

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