Chapter 2

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This morning I woke up 30 minutes late and didn't have a chance to get my "family" their breakfast. I knew that I was gonna get the shit kicked out of me today. So I rushed down the stairs and almost broke my ankle tripping over our dog Rufus. I knew that everyone loves Frosted Flakes so I grabbed 6 bowls and made the cereal. I also knew that I had 5 minutes to make sure that everyone was up wide awake. I bolted up the stairs at top speed and banged on all of the bedroom doors. Soon everyone was officially wide awake and were heading downstairs to eat. Chad gave me a hug and said good morning. I went back downstairs to pour the milk. My dad was yelling at the top of his lungs at my sister Chastity asking why was everyone awake this early on a Saturday. That's why my alarm didn't go off, because it was Saturday. "CARMEN DOWN HERE NOW!" my father's loud voice boomed. I was downstairs in the nick of time. "Why in the hell am I awake at 7:30 in the got damn morning AND IT'S SATURDAY!?" He screamed while pulling my hair. A little pee came down my leg and he seen it. A little of the pee went onto his all white slippers. He looked up at me and threw me to the floor. "Lick it you dog, you wanna pee like a dog, then you will get treated like one" he said quietly. I just stared at him. A few seconds later I seen a fist coming my way. I then knew that today was gonna be my last day.

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