Chapter 1

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What did I ever do to them? It's not my fault that they had me. Is it? My name is Carmen Santiagos and I am 14 years old. I am the youngest child out of 7 kids. Since I'm the yongest I do everything and get nothing. My parents are NATIONAL drug dealers. All of my brothers and sisters get new clothes everyday while I get all the hand-me-downs. It doesnt matter if its too big or too small. I hardly eat. When I do I have to sneak it because my parents don't want me healthy. There was one that was born after me. He died a few months ago because he was beaten so badly that he had hit his head on the floor so bad that he was gone before we could do anything. I'm gonna be next. My parents don't love me. I can't go to school because they won't allow it. I don't know how to read or do math. I have to wake up 2 hours everyday to make sure breakfast is cooked and ready. Clothes are ironed and lunches are made. When all of that is done I go upstairs and wake up my brothers and sisters so they can go to school. I hate my life. I'd probably be dead by now if it wasn't for Chad. My oldest brother. He hides food for me and makes sure I have atleast a little bit. I'm gonna run away and turn my parents in to the police. They don't love me anyways.

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