💕🥀Why?.... Part 1🥀💕

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A/N: Ahhhhh I am so sorry guys I keep you waiting. I been dealing with some headaches and  a head cold recently. So I decided to post this mini story in 2 parts. This being the first one, I'll see if I can publish the second part tomorrow! Anyways hope you can forgive me for the late update!Anyways on to the story!oh and this will end with a postgame au, as well as non-cannon in game. 

 Oh and the pictures i use in the beging or in any of my chapters do not belong to me.

3rd Person POV: It had been a couple of months since they were in the killing game. Our  favorite Detective was hanging out with the non so famous lier, and he was getting to know him better slowly. 

Kaito POV: Sidekick have been hanging  out with that little rat for a while now..... I am going to ask Maki-roll about it!(Yay a new POV!).

Maki POV: Kaito went up to me and asked if we could talk, so we went to my lab. 

"Have you seen about Shuichi and kokichi?"" He asked

I replied with "Yea, it's concerning and suspicious"".

          Timeskip a day later~

Kokichi POV: The others have been looking at me weirdly it's kinda strange even for them...... oh well time to hang out with shumai!!! Nehehehe.

Shuichi POV: Recently, me and ouma have been hanging out more often. To be honest I have a tiny crush on ouma. I would ask maki about it but, I am pretty sure she hates ouma-Kun. Soon later I arrive at our secert  meeting place.Now I just have to wait for ouma to arrive.

          Time skip to when ouma gets there, brought to you by me getting my roblox account back!

3rd person POV: When kokichi finally made it to the garden. The two had talked for hat had seen to be a hour. On accident the little lier had said 

"I love you shumai!!"

 Realizing what he had said, he ran out of the gardens door. Leaving the ultimate  Detective stunned to on what he had just heard.

Shuichi POV: Ouma-Kun loves me? Is that true? No, he could be lying  about it. I am going to ask him about it later. I'll sleep on it, I then closed my eyes to see nothing but darkness moving forward.

Kokichi POV: Shit,shit,shit, I did not mean to say that out loud. Now he would hate me. Orrrr maybe he likes me? No, stop it it's impossible I am pretty sure he does not like me..... after all I am just a lier.

                Timeskip 5 days later~

Shuichi POV: Kokichi has not been coming out of his lab recently.... Did something happen? I'll go check on him just in case. 

3rd person POV: Shuichi got out of his seat and went up to the ultimate supreme leader's  lab and saw.....

A/N: ok, I am so sorry for the cliffhanger but, the next chapter part will be posted later tomorrow. Since it's really late for me right now. And also it's my cats Birthday today!!See you guys tomorrow! I am also sorry for any grammar errors that were made in the making of this chapter.Oh and guess what it's almost midnight.

Word count: 536


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