Chapter 16

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"Life is not a game of luck, if you wanna win, work hard."

I stare at the ground shoving my hands in my pocket pissed off. The nerve of him, he gets mad at me because of a challenge he made happen. I won't lose to him anymore. I can't, it's not even about being a hero, which is something I never wanted. I just want to prove to the bastard I'm not weak. I'm strong, stronger than him.

"Hey doll." I look up to see Dabi and can't help the smile that comes to my face. He holds out a bag of sushi and I practically drool at the sight. "Damn, someone is hungry."

"No fucking shit, I just kicked ass for what felt like hours." I say grabbing the bag and pulling out a spicy tuna roll. I look to him and raise my eyebrows knowing he has things he wants to say.

"Okay listen doll." I nod my head showing I am in fact paying attention, even though this food is very distracting. "What you did earlier, that was amazing. But now, now is when it gets serious. This is the one on one battles, you know about those correct?" I nod my head and swallow the delicious food.

"Yes of course, I've watched the festival before."

"Okay good. These kids are going to be out for blood, no one wants to lose in the final round. Now what did I teach you?"

I begin going through the multiple teachings he instilled in me the past week, but one sticks out more than the others. "You'll never win if you fight like a hero. You need to fight like your life is on the line." I know how to fight now, I know how to be on both defense and offense at the same time. I hold no more fear towards these kids.

"You'll never win if you fight like a hero, you need to fight like your life is on the line." I say staring at him seriously. He nods his head smirking slightly through his mask. He leans his head against the wall and stares up at the blue sky, I take this moment to admire him.

I can't see his scars but I know they're there. I can't see his smirk but I know it's there. This whole attire is throwing me off, but then again I guess he can't just be seen in his normal villain outfit around a bunch of heroes who know him. But god what I would do to see his muscles through his tight jacket and his-

"You done staring love?" I snap back to reality and quickly look down at the sushi in front of me counting the rice as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. I hear him laugh making me chuckle as well.

I finish my food and get up throwing it in the trash, just as I am about to speak he pushes me against the wall. he puts both his elbows on my shoulders and just stares into my eyes. I feel a deep blush forming but can't help to tilt my head to the side in confusion. What the hell did I do?

"You're so cute when you're clueless.." I blink a couple times still trying to process everything. "If you lose your shirt one more time and I have to watch a bunch of horny boys stare at you again I'm going to cause a scene. Got it?" I widen my eyes in surprise and nod quickly. He sighs and kisses my forehead making the already present blush even worse. "Go back in there and kick some ass, win for me doll. Show the world who Kiyoko Bakugo is, got it?" I can't help but smirk.

"They have no idea what's coming." I say simply, suddenly feeling daring I lean my face closer to where are noses are brushing. "After all, what would happen if I made the big bad Dabi all upset." I say smirking and duck under his arms walking away with my hands behind my back.

"You're gonna regret that princess." He says simply and I turn around smirking and hold up a peace sign.

"Ja ne!"

With that I quickly rush back into the stadium. Once I enter I lean against the wall and put my hand on my beating heart. The feeling he gives me is addictive. I just want to feel it all the time. But at the same time, I can't. I don't want to push boundaries, I don't want to make him uncomfortable, and I don't want to push him away. Ugh.. being a girl is confusing.

I sigh as I hear the announcers and walk back into the stadium only to see all the girls from Class A dressed in cheer uniforms. I tilt my head confused as I see them screaming at Mineta and Kaminari.. so those two are behind this. How cruel, but also how stupid of the girls to believe this. I sigh and walk up to them only for them to stare at me in disbelief.

"How come she never got a costume?!" Mina yells pointing at me, rolling my eyes I reply.

"I went and ate alone so I didn't hear about this, which thankfully I didn't or else I'd kill the both of them." I say simply and lean against the wall putting my foot against it as a prop.

"Once that's over we're onto the final event! Between the sixteen members of the four winning teams.. we'll have a formal tournament! A series of one-on-one battles!" I smirk at the thought of being able to actually fight.

"The matchups will be decided by drawing lots, once that's all settled we'll move onto the festivities. Then the tournament itself!" I look at the box Midnight is holding confused, why wouldn't it be based on skill? "It's up to each of you sixteen finalists whether or not you participate in the fun. I expect some of you would like to take a breather." I shrug and nod. I need to drink a shit ton of water.

"Um.. excuse me?" I look to my right to see the tail kid, I think his name is Ojiro raise his hand. "I'd like.. to drop out." I feel my eyes widen in shock. He wants to drop out?

"Ojiro why?!" I look to see Izuku was the one who asked that.

"The cavalry battle, I have no memories of anything that happened up until the end. It's probably his quirk that did it." His quirk? he begins to go on a long tangent about how great of an opportunity this is and how he managed to do this blah blah.. We get it you dropped out, just let me figure out who I'm fighting.

Next thing I know some other kid drops out for the same reason. I look to see them staring at the purple haired kid, almost in fear. I tilt my head slightly, so they're scared of him.. how interesting. Who is this kid and what is he capable of, cause in all honesty, for two people to drop out, that's quite impressive.

"We have a strange turn of events.. what will the coordinator Midnight decide?" I look up to see Midnight glaring.

"How naive and green.. I.. LIKE IT!" She yells the last part cracking her whip making me sweatdrop. Who the hell is this chick? I look to see Class B consulting on who will be replacing them and sigh when i realize how much this is going to change things. "So be it, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki bring us back up to sixteen competitors! Here are the matchups!"

I look to see the first person I'm going against is  Iida.. Hmm Iida, he's not a bad opponent. He's strong, but I have the advantage against him since all he really does is run and kick. But I can use his momentum to my advantage as well. Hm how interesting.

I continue looking down the line until my eyes fall on my brothers match, shit.. He's going against bubble girl. I look over at her and see that all the color has drained from her face. Poor girl, going against my brother is not joke, trust me on that one. I've been doing it for ten years.

Then the festivities begin, I calmly exit the arena to the prep room and lay my head down on one of the many tables in the room. I need to rest, I need to be prepared, my brother and I aren't in the same bracket which means, if I win. Then I'm going against him. I can't fucking wait.

Katsuki Bakugo, are you ready to meet the monster you created?

One on one battles. Who will triumph?
Once again, I do not own MHA.

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