Jung Wooyoung

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This imagine is based on a dream I had about my boyfriend, don't ask me why but I felt the need to turn it into an Imagine. Also this might be a little strange and messy because it is really hard to put a dream into words. Especially when the dream doesn't has a story before only the scenario and what happend in the end.

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You and Wooyoung are a couple for a couple of weeks now and you still want to see each other every second. This morning you both decided to do something togehter, because he lives in a different city you only text with each other or you both talk over Discord Call. But you only do the call in the evening because you both play a game together.

The both of you decide to walk trough the small wood near your house, because there aren't that much people and it's beautiful there. He sends you a message in which he says that he takes the next train and will be in your city in about 40 minutes, of course you belives what he texts you.

The whole time you text wth each other about a lot of things. The next week the both of you are having holidays for a whole week. Your aunt wants you to come with her to celebrate the 8th birthday of your cousin and she wants to meet your prince to. She statrted calling him your prince, because of your mom she does it all the time sometimes you're not even sure if she still remembers the name of him.

After twenty mnutes are over you start go get ready and to walk to the tram station which is the next tram stop right after the train station. It is 1 pm now which means that he only needs about 22 minutes until you both can see each other again.

You're text him that you are waiting at the tram stop for him, but because he has no internet connection he don't even gets your messages you send him. He maybe gets them when he arrives at the trainstation...

One hour is over and you are still waiting for him to get of the tram, everytime when a tram arrives you are expecting him to come out but no. You keep checking your messages and if he got yours, but no message from him nor he gets yours. You start to wonder why but still decide to keep waiting.

It is hard to keep waiting because you normaly don't have that much patience not even a single bit of it. It is starting to get dark and there is still no sign of him or a message where he says that he needs longer or that something happened. You just don't want to give up and accept that he wouldn't come anymore...

It is dark and you waitied for six hours now, there is still no text message from him and he still didn't get your messages.While you waitied you met a lot of poeple you know and one of them was one of your old classmates Selim. He decides to wait with you, well you both waited for 30 minutes together untill you finally decide to go home again...

It makes you sad and worried that you had waited for him six hours and he doesn't answer and doesn't gets your messages. Selim tries to comfort you and to bring you on different thoughts, sadly for him it doesn't work.

The next tram you waited for was the last hope for him to come out of this god damn tram, but he didn't come out so you instead entered it and drove of. The next stop you have to exit again just like Selim, the short ride was filled with you being sad and him huging you.

You left the train and started walking towards his home, which is on the same way to your house, as you where standing infront of his house another friend of yours appears. Selim and you started to talk, but he also noticed it right away that you are sad about something.

Selim told him that you are sad because your boyfriend didn't showed up and dumped you maybe. After that the both of them wanted to get you on different thoughts this time it actually worked a little bit. Until the next tram came and a lot of people came out of it and started to walk in your direction, you moved a little bit out of the way. While you did that, you keept looking into the crowd and then you saw him.

He was on his Phone and just as he was looking up, the both of you  locked eyes. You started to smile and felt happy and relived. Of course Selim and the other friend notice that you are smiling and looking a lot happier than just a few moments ago. They stand back facing towards the crowd so they couldn't see it and they also kind of don't know how he looks like.

Wooyoung puts his Phone in his pocket and starts running towards you. He gives you a really big hug together with a kiss. You just felt so happy that you forgot about the other people walking past you. Your prince was here and he didn't dumped you and he was alright.

After he lets go of you, he explained why it took so long for him to come. There was someone who jumped infront of the train and died, unfortunately it was his train and it was exactly on the part of the road where he doesn't have any internet connection and the police didn't allow the people to come out. So he spend six hours in a train with no internet connection to call or text you.

Okay I know this is really weird, but lets be honest dreams are always strange right? Also please ignore the grammar I'm still bad at english and I don't have the time right know to proof read it, sorry for that please bear with it...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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