Chapter 40

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~Weeks later~

~Dave's POV~

After weeks of awful shows, we finally went back home. We grabbed some food, went to the hotel, and passed out.

After a few hours I woke up and reached across the bed, feeling around for Kurt. But he wasn't there. I sat up and looked around the room, it was really early in the morning. I heard quiet singing and went out to the balcony, Kurt was sitting on a chair.

He was playing his guitar, singing quietly. I sat down by him, resting my head on his shoulder, "Mm..Mornin.." I yawned, he kissed my head "Morning Dave, why're you up so early?" I rubbed my eyes "I should be the one asking that" he chuckled quietly. I held his hand, watching the sun rise "Those last few shows were awful.." he nodded "Throwing stuff at the crowd was fun" he played with my hair, I smiled.

"I have a bunch of bruises all over, people kept aiming at me" I mumbled,  rubbing my eyes. He held me close, rubbing my back "Go back to sleep" I fell asleep after a few minutes.


~Rowan's POV~
I was finally home. I had to hitchhike a couple times and I nearly got stabbed at some point, but at least I'm home. But now that Rylan and the others are back too, what am I gonna do? I don't wanna see them. I'm not ashamed of myself for what I said, I just don't wanna see Rylan. I hate him.

I sat down at my drum set and started playing as aggressively as possibly, letting my anger out. When I eventually finished I glanced over at the corner, Rylan's guitar was sitting there. I'm assuming he has his other two guitars with him.

I grabbed his guitar and walked out of the house, going to the hotel. I thought they'd have an actual place by now, but I guess not. I set the guitar right by their room door and knocked, running away as soon as I heard footsteps coming towards the door.


~Krist's POV~
I opened the door and peeked out, looking around for the person who knocked. Strange, there was no one. I saw a guitar leaning against the wall, I grabbed it and brought it in the room. I looked at it, it was Rylan's guitar.

I looked over at Rylan, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was staring off into space, I went over to him and sat across from him. He looked at me "Hmm?" I showed him the guitar "Oh hey that's my guitar!" "Yeah it was leaning against the wall by the door" he was silent for a moment "I left this at Rowan's, how'd it get here..?" I shrugged "Maybe he dropped it off here" he nodded "Probably"



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