Wake up Sleepyheads

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Hermoine's P.O.V

' Hey girl, wake up! ', said someone.
I yawned.
' Five more minutes ', I mumbled in sleep.
' Really can't give you that much time, shop's gonna reopen soon ', the person said.
All of a sudden, the events that had taken place came flooding back into my mind and
I started up.
Ron, Percy, Annabeth and Aru were all curled up on the floor.
' Wake up, sleepyheads! ', I shouted.

' Blue Pancakes! ', yelled Percy as he woke up.
Annabeth got up.
' What happened to the-the-the-aaaaa ', said Annabeth yawning.
Percy scratched his head.
' Yeah about that, Harry I kind of used your wand to ward away the dementors ', he said.
' The what-? ', asked the muggle man, obviously thinking we were a bunch of homeless guys and girls gone mad.

' You-you were able to conjure the patronus? ', asked Harry.
' yeah but I might have broken it, the patronus is no longer a stag it's a pegasi ', he said embarresedly.
I looked at Harry and Ron.
' But then you're a demigod right? ', asked Hermoine.
' Yeah he is ', said Annabeth lookign at Percy as if he was hiding some secret from her.
' Then you have wizarding ancestory! ', said Ron in awe.
Percy shrugged.
' I dressed up as a wizard once on Halloween ', said Percy. ' Maybe that's where it started ', he continued grinning.
Me Harry and Ron stared at him like he was an alien.
' What it was a good joke?! No?! ', asked Percy, looking at our faces. ' Sheesh, tough crowd ', he said.
' OUCH! ', said Harry smacking his hand on the forehead.
' What, your scar's hurting again? ', asked Ron. ' Mate, you okay? '.
Kill Harry Potter and his friends
' What's that whispering? ', asked Annabeth.
Percy Jackson blood shall be split
' Annabeth you can hear it you? ', asked Harry looking at her in awe.
Fear Kill Destroy
' Y-Yeah? ', asked Annabeth. ' Can't you? ', asked Annabeth.
' Wait, Harry, mate, does this mean she's a Parseltongue? ', asked Ron.

All of us looked at Annabeth.
' Wait..what does this mean? ', asked Annabeth.
' It means that your a descendent of Slytherin Annabeth, Salazar Slytherin ', said Harry.

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