Judge's Form

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Just like every other contest, we need judges! We will be accepting one sexy judge per category and perhaps a backup judge or two overall. Be sure you've read and understood the Judging and Rubric chapter as well as the Timeline chapter.

We also have some rules for our judges:

#1: If you are a judge and you flake out on us and disappear without any explanation, and we have to replace you without warning, we will pull any and all entries you have in the contest. It causes a lot of problems when you ghost.

#2: Make sure you don't overexert yourself with too many categories. It has to stay fun for you! We encourage you to only choose one to judge.

#3: You are required to give feedback: At a bare minimum, you should write at least one sentence each for rounds 1-3, then a full critique for round 4. In the round 4 comment, mention all points in the rubric and present it "sandwich style" (First part is what you liked, second part are improvements to be made, third part is positive encouragement.)

Now, remember, judges can enter the contest! Judges cannot judge the category in which they've entered, though. Gotta keep it fair!

To apply, include the following in a chapter comment below.


Experience |Yes or No|:

Why would you make a good judge?:

Can you use google sheets?

Desired category?

Do you want more than one category?:

Activity? (How often are you on?):

Tags (at least 3):

Judge's thank you:

- A follow from this account

- A shout out thank you



Fan Fiction



Horror/Paranormal (including Vampire/Werewolf)




Teen Fiction

Teen Fiction

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Dream Awards 2022 - A Contest by TeamOfDreamsWhere stories live. Discover now