[̲̅1] - the horsemen

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if this fanfic reminds you of others, i'm sorry and I don't mean to copy them in ANY way.

(Year: 2013. Age: 22 turning 23)

"ARE YOU ready?" I look at the man and nod. I've been doing this shit since I was ten. I go on stage and I shout, "Who's ready for magic?!" Everyone shouts and I laugh. "Well, good for you everyone. Cause today I've prepared something special."

The crowd really looks interested. Honestly don't blame them. "You see this wand? Well, it can do wonders." Everyone murmurs until I hear someone ask, "What about it? Do we say abracadabra?" Oh gosh. I respond, very annoyed, "In fact, no."

Very clear on the 'no'. "You are supposed to say different spells. Like, disapparate!" And I disappear. I think of a place I'd like to go to, and I stand in front of a man with a blue hoodie. "Apparate!" Everyone looks in my direction and claps.

I disappear again and I appear back on stage. "Who wants to see more?" The crowd starts shouting, 'Me!' so I continue with some other tricks. Oh, how Headmistress would be proud that I paid attention in class. After the act, I dispparate goodbye and I appear at a coffee shop. I am thirsty.

I walk inside and I see a guy in a blue hoodie in front of me. Huh, coincidence? I wait in line for the person to pay, and when that person did, they went out of the coffee shop instantly. I go up and tell the person at the desk my order, and to my surprise, they respond with, "Oh, the person in front paid $100 for your order. I'll give you back your change." Wait, what? "Oh, I shouldn't take the money. It's not mine after all."

"The person said that it's alright." They give me back the change, and I doubtfully take it. I look down on the ground to see a card. I decide to pick it up and it read:


I look at the card more closely. Who in the world brings tarot cards with them outside? I look at the back to see a date and time.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now