[̲̅3]- loverboy

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"OH my gosh, finally that's over. My feet hurts by the heels." I groan as I flop on the couch. Henley laughs as she removes her heels as well and sits beside me on my left. Merritt looks at his book, Danny leaves to change, and Jack sits beside me, with his deck of cards still with him.

He asks me and Henley, "Want to play Go Fish? Slap-" I start wheezing as Jack starts to finish that sentence. "Can we play Slap Jack?" He sighs, hiding his face from me and Henley. He didn't think I was actually going to slap him.

Henley and I pat him on the head. "Hey, Jack. You good?" His face was covered with the pillow. I start playing with his hair. "What are you doing with this poor boy?" I tell Henley, rolling my eyes, "Just playing with his hair until he finally wakes up."

Henley rolls him over to his front, to show he was sleeping. I sigh, "Ugh, he's still on me." She smiles, and walks away.

"Hey, Henley! Where are you going? Are you going to... Danny?"

She puts up the middle finger at me, and I start being a drama queen. "How could you, High Priestess? I thought I was your best friend?" Henley shouts from the kitchen, "You are, in a way." She comes back, holding two glasses of water.

"Here," Henley passes it to me, and I take a sip. "Thanks." She nods and says no problem. I look at Jack, I try to wriggle my way out, but his arms are around my waist. "Are you blushing?" Henley asks me, with a cheeky smile on her face. Merritt pays attention to what's happening and says, "Miss Nolan in fact is."

"You mean Mrs. Wilder." I try to hit her with the pillows, but I fail horribly. Henley says, "Nice try." I huff and then start drinking my water again. I try to look at Merritt, but he's back to reading his book again. I finish my water, and I ask Henley, "Do you know where Danny is?"

She shrugs, but then adds her opinion, "I don't know. And I don't care." I chuckle as I ask Merritt to get Jack off me. "I don't feel like it, Betty Boop. Sorry." I stick my tongue at him as an insult and started playing with Jack's cards.

After a few minutes, I start getting bored, and I try to wriggle out of Jack's grip again. "Ugh, get- off- mngh." Danny appears out of nowhere and sighs, "I'll help." He carries Jack on his shoulder, and I say thank you.

"No problem." Danny replies, sitting on the couch.

I walk upstairs to the washroom, and I brush my teeth. I see that Henley is here too. "Hey Betty." She says, in a gibberish tone. I wave back, and she leaves after brushing her teeth. I finish a few seconds later, ready for bed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now