chapter 20 (part two)

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Third person's pov

Yoshihiro walks in midoriya's room (hospital room) and sat down next to him while laying his head on the bed.

Yuichi's pov

Day by day, staying by your side is making me crazy. I thought I would be satisfied just by seeing you again, but after I heard that you don't have anyone else in your life, I was happy. Now I finally have you to be on my side, and you even accepted me.
Now we can finally be together, but I still don't understand why is it that I still feel empty.

Third person's pov

Yoshihiro slowly close his eyes as he dreamt about the past.


"Yuichi, go and say hi to the midoriya family"

Yuichi hid behind his mother's leg.

"Ah, Ms midoriya, I'm sorry for my son's behavior"

"What is there to be sorry for, he's just a four year old kid, don't worry about it"

"Mama who's that?"

Yuichi heard a voice, a kid's voice that's probably around his age.

"That's the Yoshihiro family, they're moving in next door"

"Oh who's this little boy?" Asked Ms Yoshihiro.

"Izu, introduce yourself"

"Hello, (he bows) my name is izuku midoriya. I'm 3 years old!" Says small Izu, he showed two fingers when he said '3 years old'

"That's 2" Yuichi quietly says.

"Ah! Is it! Woah big brother you seem to know a lot!" Small Izu replied with amusement.

"Anyone that's smart knows that" Yuichi replied

"Yuichi! Don't be rude" his mom scolded him.

Their fathers just laughs.

"Then, can you teach me more?"

Upon hearing that genuine question, yuichi's felt something, but he doesn't know what that feeling is.

3 years later

Izuku was smaller than the other kids so he often get bullied. But Yuichi was always there to be by his side. Seeing Izu got bullied regularly, he decided that he'll protect him no matter what he have to do.

"Izu if you get bullied you have to fight back!"

"But, they're scary"

Izuku started crying so Yuichi decided to comfort him.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I'm sorry for letting you go through that, I promise I will never let you go through any of that anymore"


"Promise, but what will you do for me if I protect you?"

"Then.... I promise to stay with you forever and ever! I will never leave you"

This was izuku midoriya's first mistake, for anyone it was just a promise that kids make when they were young and they'll forget about it when they grow up. But Yuichi Yoshihiro takes this word literally, it was as if signing a deal with a devil.

"Then what happens if you break the promise?"

"It will never happen! If it does then yu chan can do whatever he wants! Yu chan is everything to me, I will never leave you"

As years goes by izuku forgets his promise, but as for Yuichi he remembers it, it was a promise that he'll never forget.

7 years later

"Yu chan"

"What's wrong? Did anyone disturb you again?"


Izuku started sobbing

"Hey....what's wrong? Hm? Are you okay? It's fine if someone bullies you I'll take care of them, they won't disturb you again-"


It became quiet. Yuichi was concerned but he decided to let izuku talk first.

"Mom told me that we'll be moving soon"

When Yuichi heard those words he was feeling an undescribable feeling,

He was furious, sad, he didn't know what to do. For him, izuku midoriya is everything, he'd be better having no parents than not being able to see izuku again.

"What do you mean by that"

He took izuku's wrist, not knowing that his grip was too hard, and it ended up hurting izuku.

Izuku was scared he tried to push Yuichi away

"I meant what I said! Today will be the last day we'll meet"

Today? Today?? So it's not months or at least a few days. Izuku ran away when he pushed Yuichi. He didn't want to look at him, it was not because he was scared because he hurt him, it was not because he hates him, it was because he was sad for not being able to meet Yuichi anymore. That's why he decided to tell him the last day, he prefers if Yuichi forgot about him and hates him rather than being sad.

This was izuku's midoriya second mistake. For not telling Yuichi earlier, nor having a proper conversation.

Yuichi fell down as his legs gave up, he was feeling weak. He thought to himself,

'if I just get rid of his parents like how I get rid of the bullies, wouldn't Izu be happy. I'm everything to him and he's everything to me'

-present- (end flashback)

Izuku: Yoshihiro san? Yoshihiro san?

Yoshihiro woke up and saw Midoriya sitting on his bed (hospital bed)

He went closer and hugs midoriya's waist.

Izuku: e-eh? What's with this all of a sudden-?

Yuichi: don't say anything for now. Let me- let's stay like this for a few more minutes


Since last chapter was a bit short I've decided to make a longer explanation in the form of flashbacks hehe this is a part two!

I just write it along the way so idk if this is good 🧍🏻😓

Anyways it's 2 am imaa sleep now gn 🐥

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