13. Not Unwarranted

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"And furthermore," Professor Finnegan said as his shoulders heaved in poorly concealed rage, his cheeks cherry red and his eyes squinting dangerously, "neither of you will leave this room until everything is sorted, graded and the floors scrubbed with a toothbrush."

I carefully avoided Yoongi's hate filled gaze as my eyes involuntarily looked at the overwhelming task of mopping the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom floor with a toothbrush. My gaze flew back to the Professor, who still had patches of his eyebrows missing from yesterday's explosion.

It was difficult not to laugh and picture him as the destructive friend of Harry Potter back in his school days. But I knew from the danger dancing in his eyes that laughing at him would only prolong this punishment.

"No magic," the Professor said as Yoongi grabbed his wand from his pocket to start casting. Professor Finnegan was surprisingly nimble as he snatched the wand from the furious Slytherin and then turned to me with his hand outstretched.

"I really don't think..." I began, my voice small despite my best effort for it not to be

"I already know that!" He snapped as he grabbed my wand and stuck it into the same hand that held Yoongi's. "If you thought, Shaw, if you knew how to use your brain, half of my classroom wall wouldn't have been blasted off yesterday!" His fury brought something to life in his face that was difficult not to laugh at. Maybe that was because he spent the better part of last night in McGonagall's office getting his ass chewed.

"What part of this punishment is supposed to teach us anything beyond the fact that you can't handle your temper?" Yoongi drawled, his voice cold and slow as his penetrating gaze landed on the irate Professor.

Professor Finnegan froze for a second, his jaw clenching in obvious hatred as his turned his eyes to the younger man. "You never learn, do you Min? Shaw turned you into a cute, helpless little bunny just because you never listen and you still refuse to cooperate as a team? I understand it was Cassandra's spell that glued your feet to the floor which caused you to falter and blow my classroom up. But I know for a fact that if you could learn anything from these lessons, she wouldn't have had to do that in the first place. Now start working before I invent more chores for you!"

I winced and shook my head, wishing the Professor would just shut up already. This day was going to be difficult enough without him egging Yoongi's temper on. Especially since I was at fault for the misfire during our dueling practice yesterday. Yoongi only pissed me off a little.

Yoongi stood absolutely still, his fists clenching in anger as literal waves of cold fury emanated from him. I edged carefully away, inching closer to the stack of hastily retrieved assignments piled haphazardly on the corner of Professor Finnegan's desk. I wasn't sure giving us the chore of grading them was the best option considering they were essays turned in by the fifth years previous to our class on Friday, but I wasn't going to argue about it either.

After nearly half an hour of watching each other, Professor Finnegan seemed to grow bored with the experience. He stuck the hand that still held our wands behind his back and leaned forward until he was standing on the tips of his toes.

"I don't know about you, but I have plans in Hogsmeade. Along with the rest of the school." He taunted with an antagonizing look in Yoongi's direction. "I will be back shortly before dinner to let you out and if the chores aren't accomplished by then, I will lock you in here overnight."

Both of us knew he couldn't actually do that but neither of us said anything as he turned and quickly left the room. I released a pent up breath I hadn't realized I was holding when I heard the door being magically locked to ensure that we didn't leave.

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