8. Dueling Club

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I stared at the clock, counting down the seconds. Dueling club was my favorite activity outside of Quidditch but today I didn't feel much like being around all of these people. Vyanya and Caleb both refused to join me. I hated how Gregory and Ember were standing on the other side of the room, surrounded by their little group of friends and snickering loudly as they spoke about me.

I turned my nose up at them and faced the door. If Yoongi wasn't here in the next five minutes, the entire club would be forced to assume that he wasn't coming and it would be cancelled for the day. Truthfully I wasn't required to attend every meeting but I hated the idea of Gregory thinking he'd beaten me. Regardless of how long I sat in the dark and cried by myself.

I smiled a little at the memory of the white cat with a snake-like black tail. I wasn't sure who he belonged to but his warmth and constant purring helped me recover much more quickly than I would have done on my own. It almost made me want to seek out his owner and beg until they allowed me to adopt him.

I frowned and shook my head, he'd be as homeless as me at the end of the semester. Maybe when I found somewhere to live I could come back for him? I allowed my mind to wander down this path for another two minutes before the clubroom door finally opened.

I was a little surprised to find Namjoon, Yoongi's other Ravenclaw friend, stumbling awkwardly into the room. He was wearing his robes and his Prefect badge glinted in the late afternoon light.

"Hello." He said, his easy smile spreading across his face as he looked around the room. He always seemed so warm, despite the fact that he belonged in Ravenclaw and it reminded me enough of Caleb that I never held his friends against him. "Yoongi is coming, he's just running a little behind."

"Are you his errand boy now, Kim?" Someone from Ember's group of friends questioned loudly and mockingly.

Namjoon's eyes narrowed at that corner as he shook his head. "As you recall," He said in a slightly less friendly voice as his tone took on more authority, "I am co-caption of the dueling club. I've come to prepare you for what we are doing today." He said, his eyes darting uncertainly toward the door.

"Which is what?" Someone else asked, keeping their voice friendly so they wouldn't make Namjoon more nervous that he clearly was.

Namjoon cleared his throat and shook his head once, almost saying he wasn't okay with what was going to happen but the decision was out of his control. "My fellow sixth year Ravenclaw, Aislinn Price, will be joining us today." He said carefully, even his tone of voice was protective of her.

I scowled and looked away. I never met her long enough to really hate her but I hated what she represented. She was pureblood, petite and pretty, even with her reputation as a Legilimens she was still admired for her beauty and poise. In less than half a year she had the entire group of Yoongi's friends fawning all over her, ready to protect her from all the world. In a nutshell, she represented everything I would never be and never have.

"As I am sure some of you are aware of her ... ability," Namjoon nervously squished his cheeks together and had to shake the nerves form his shoulders.

"She isn't going to do that to us?"

"I thought she stopped with that?"

The room burst into noise and Namjoon held his hands out for a silence that didn't come until the clubroom door opened again behind him. The others around me fell silent as Yoongi and the raven haired girl walked through the door. Her skin was perfect and her ice blue eyes made a striking impression against her dark hair. She was changed into a tight fitting pair of jeans and a floral, flowing top that cupped around her shoulders and accentuated her womanly figure.

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