31. Sinking Stones

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I scowled as I grabbed another rock from the pile at my feet and chucked it into the calm surface of the Black Lake. The sun was shining hard enough to make my brow breakout in sweat and it made all of my skin itchy and irritated. But I refused to go into the castle, I refused to be faced with another interrogation by my so-called best friends.

I watched the ripples created by my rock spread out into the water until they either hit the edge or slowly disappeared. Part of me wanted whatever creatures lived in the murky and cold water to burst from the surface and suffocate me for disturbing their slumber. The other part only wanted them to throw the rock back out so it could hit me in the head and knock me out for the next three years.

I huffed in irritation when neither of those things happened. The lake cared about my mood about as much as my friends. They claimed to care, wouldn't shut up about it, even when I told them repeatedly that I was fine. Vyanya demanded to know why I was lying and Caleb only looked at me with sympathy.

I bit my lip as I fought off the urge to tell them. They would help, at least they would try to help. But they never offered the right sort of help. I didn't need someone to solve my problems or tell me that they weren't that bad and I would get over it. I just wanted to figure it out on my own, even if that meant being homeless for a bit.

I tossed another rock as the feeling of anxiety rose in my chest and threatened to drown me but not with the added benefit of death. I closed my eyes as the water swallowed it, trying to let the familiar sounds of the castle and students calm me.

Three weeks.

That's all I had. Three weeks and exams would be over. Hogwarts would be over. I'd be stuck in the wizarding world with nothing. No money and no place to call home. A few tears escaped from my eyes before I could push that sensation away.

Regardless of what would happen when I stepped off the Hogwarts Express, I would make it work. One way or another. I was a talented and capable witch most of the time. No matter what my father thought or said. And I would prove it to him by never coming back, no matter how low I got.

"Umm, Cassandra?"

I winced at the sound of that voice. Even though we weren't close, I couldn't mistake it if I tried. And I very much tried. I tossed another rock into the depths of the lake before I turned just enough that I could see her on the periphery of my vision.

"I've already apologized." I said, trying not to sound nasty and failing miserably.

Aislinn chuckled nervously and I could hear as she shuffled forward a few steps. "I know and I think out of everyone that witnessed that debacle, I probably believe you more than anyone."

I scoffed and turned just a little more. She was wearing another light, flowery dress that showed off her curves and beauty without being over the top. She probably didn't even realize it, which just made it that much more irritating. "Did you just come here to gloat then?"

I regretted the words almost as soon as they left my mouth but I refused to admit it as the Ravenclaw fell silent. She didn't walk away like I was hoping but she didn't move closer either. I bit my lip to keep my mouth shut. I was feeling vulnerable so I was lashing out and regardless of the perceived slights against me, Aislinn hadn't actually done anything wrong.

"Did you know the first person I was able to look in the eye without fear was my aunt?" She asked, her voice quiet but happy.

I felt my gut squeeze at the memory of her pain and tossed another rock before I could speak around my anger. "Why would I know that?" I snapped.

"Because I just told you." She replied, as if that was the simplest answer. I turned toward her, torn between the urge to laugh at her stupid answer and toss a rock at her head. She was smiling serenely as she clasped her hands in front of her and tipped back and forth on her feet. "I never understood why she was so different, but I could never read her memories the way I did to other people."

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