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I had bitten my nails until there was nothing to bite and picked on the skin on my fingers almost making them bleed. Thanks to Jimin for holding my hands in his otherwise I would have made my fingers bleed due to anxiety. His words of assurance calmed me down.

"Everything's fine Mia, calm down" He said once.
"The world's not going to drown if they break up, we can get them back together " He said another time.

When he said we could bring them back together I knew I could believe and trust him to go through with what he said. The fact that was bothering me was how did Ara get through all of it alone if they had really broken up. It would have been so hard on her to act all fine in front of me when she was broken inside.

The ringing sound of the time brass bell at the entrance of the coffee house dragged me out of thought and into reality. Jimin face was pasted with confusion as he looked behind me. I looked in the direction he was looking and realized what was causing the confusion, it was Ara and Kook walking in laughing and holding hands.

They looked so happy for a moment I felt like all that saw and heard was a dream. Jimin gave me a confused look like as if trying to tell me, are they putting up an act or were we just hallucinating everything we heard or saw?!. I raised my shoulders indicating I didn't know what was happening.

They reached our table with bright smiles. On reaching they starred at something in silence and then Kook raised an eyebrow at us. We didn't understand, we were confounded by their behavior that we didn't notice they were starring at out hands until Kook spoke, " When did this start" He said pointing at our hands.

"Exactly when? We want all the details" Ara jumped in.

Both of us turned a shade of red,my cheeks felt like they were on fire, burning of embarrassment. That very moment I wished I had Ara's complexion, how nice would it be to hide off that stupid crimson colour.
I couldn't talk so instead Jimin decided to take hold of the situation and said, "It's nothing that you guys are thinking off, she was picking the skin on her hands and I held them to prevent her from hurting herself, that's it!"

"That's it! Ah, I wish it were more" Ara says, pouting as she seats herself next to me and infront of Jungkook.

Jimin and I exchanged looks , what's happening here?!
Then we looked at Ara and Kook who seemed to be having a conversation through telepathy.

By Ara's expression it looked like she was saying, Are we too obvious?!

Junkook answered with a look like which translated to, I don't think so, we are just fine.

We sat there in silence for sometime, the awkwardness in the air was palpable.
I turned to Jimin and mouthed, "Say something "
"No, you go first" He mouthed back.

I glare at him and then turn towards Ara and Kook who were shooting nervous glances at both Jimin and me.

"So, how are things between both of you?!" I started.
Jimin kicks me from under table and mouth, "Too straight forward!"

"Shut up" I mouth back with a glare.

"Heyya people! You guys here?!" I ask them again.

"Oh yeah, things are great between us" Ara replies, sneeking glances at Kook, who was just nodding in agreement.

"So you guys good right!" Jimin asks.

Why on Earth is this dolt rephrasing what I just said?

"Yes we are good" Kook replies and this time it was Ara's turn to nod.

We fell silent again.
Jimin and I didn't know how to get to the point without poking any sour spots and provoking any bad memories.

Sounded like Ara had sensed something was wrong when she said, "There's something you guys want to ask us and I sense that. Come straight to the point and don't beat around the bush."

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