Walking Through the Looking Glass

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The week had gone by at an achingly slow rate of speed. The ornate wooden box and mask sat on the coffee table all week waiting to be worn. A masquerade ball seemed other worldly and nothing like the bookshop owner had ever been to before. There was a fair amount of panic surrounding what she would wear to the event. Having gone shopping with her recently reinstated red headed best friend, they settled on the perfect Alice inspired ball gown to match the mask. Hermione was nervous about how the entire night would go but she liked the idea of being masked, it gave her a level of comfort in regards to the whole meeting.
The day had finally arrived. After taking a relaxing bath and even treating herself to a bath bomb and a glass of red wine, Hermione exited the tub and stared at her dress hanging in the closet. She shook her head, chuckling as she recalled a near disaster of a dress that her friend wanted her to get.


"Go with this one," Ginny said, holding up a well fitted white dress with a slit down the middle leaving very little to the imagination, "it'll accent your boobs."

The brunette stood with her mouth gaped open. She was in no sense a prude but she was not confident enough in her own skin to wear a dress like that. "I don't think I fancy accenting my boobs." She responded, grabbing the dress from her friend and shoving it back onto the rack. "Plus I have a girlfriend, I don't think I should be drawing attention to my boobs."

Her friend hummed and went back to fingering through the dresses hanging before them. "How did said girlfriend feel about this event? I'm sure you mentioned it to her. Didn't you say something about always spending Bonfire Night together? That had to be a hit to Laura's ego."

Hermione bit her bottom lip thinking about the altercation between her and Laura. Her girlfriend was currently out of the country for work but had planned on returning that day so they could spend the evening together but she had already decided on going to the masquerade ball. "She was less than thrilled." Looking over she saw Ginny smirking, "well Laura was meant to be coming home that day and coming for a visit. It's not like I don't want to spend time with her," Hermione was trying to justify her choice, "it's just how many offers do you get to go to a Masquerade ball? Seriously? How could I pass that up?" She sighed knowing that she disappointed her girlfriend. "I know Bonfire Night is our thing but there will be other Holidays and other Bonfire Nights. It's just one time." Hermione took a dress off the rack and went over to the mirror, holding it up against herself, her eyes glimmering at the sight.

Ginny walked over and nodded her approval of the dress, "yes get that one." She smiled before adding, "and you don't have to justify this to me. I know how important your mystery customer is to you. If Laura cared enough, she'd understand the importance." Hermione shot her friend a look that made her chuckle. "You didn't tell her where you were going. Did you?"

"No." Hermione blushed, "it's already a very sensitive subject between the two of us after I caught her opening my letter that one time. Laura seems to think that I fancy this woman and telling her that the letter writer is also the one who invited me to the ball would not have ended amicably. I would rather just stave off that fight for another day. Plus," she stuck her chin up, "I can't possibly fancy someone I've never met before. I'm just going to fulfill my curiosity and move on. Once I know who this mystery woman is then I can stop thinking about her." She nodded at herself in the mirror, wrapped the dress up in her arms and proceeded to the shoe section.


Thinking back on the situation made Hermione feel guilty. She shouldn't have lied to Laura making up the excuse of spending the night with her grandpa. Of all the reasons she could've come up with, that shouldn't have been it but what's done is done and Hermione couldn't go back and give her another lie. She was waiting for things to smooth themselves over with her girlfriend but decided to text her anyway as an apology of sorts.

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