Crimson Horde

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Brother-Captain Zychron was sitting at his metal table in his makeshift tent, flicking his plated finger absently against a wine glass, filled with a deep velvet liquid. Beside the glass was his helmet, a blackened Mark VI Corvus helm, painted the deep midnight of the Black Guard. He could hear constant static and bickering from the vox device in his helmet, and he shoved the helmet off of the table in annoyance. The ceramite calttered against the rough soil of the ground as the helmet rolled away, the vox chatter slowly fading. "Why can I not have one moment to myself?" Zychron moaned to himself in frustration. His duty was bothersome to him; he was not prepared to lead a Company. This was not supposed to be his duty, but he was the next in line after the death of the Force Commander. He traced his fingers along the bare skin of his head, the hair long since vanished. He did not have the hair of his battle-brothers and kindred Chapter, Raven Guard. It was almost a sense of jealousy, to look upon them and to see the flowing locks of their raven-colored hair, only to see himself as the bland appearance of a space marine; rugged, bald and grey. It almost enfuriated him.

Zychron's musings were interrupted by the clattering of ceramite boots against ground entering his tent. He stood and turned to face the Space Marines that had entered his tent. "Report."

It was Brother-Sergeant Redismos and his squad, along with a guest; another Raven Guard, however he looked in rough shape. Redismos made the sign of the aquila and spoke.

"I have good news and bad news for you, lord." He said.

Zychron's body stiffened. "...go on, brother." He replied.

"The good news is that we have recovered Brother-Sergeant Ralnox, and thus we have recovered information of our Mission. The bad news is that there's more than Orks that threaten Secundus."

Zychron slammed his heavy fist against the table beside him. The metal bent and splintered under his wrath. "Speak, Brother-Sergeant! What the -fuck- else could be on this planet, then?!" Redismos nearly flinched before the rage of the Brother-Captain, but continued after his outburst.

"Tyranids. According to Ralnox, there was no bomb that hit the planet; it was a hive-ship."


                         ----START "CHAPTER10"-----

I stepped aside as Brother Zychron bursted through the group of us. He paid no heed to Ralnox, no heed to questioning what exactly happened. His walking pace quickly escalated into a run, pointing left and right at his subordinates and yelling mandates. He was mobilising every squad he had, ensuring they were battle-ready and dispensible. I followed him with my eyes for a moment before turning my attention back to my squad. "Prepare yourselves. Judging by the Captain's actions, we'll not be resting long." The squad obliged and went to their own devices, but Ralnox remained at my side. He removed his helmet for the first time since. His face was about as mangled as his armor; long claw marks indented upon his face, the tissue turned a dark purple since the healing. One of the claws reached across his lips, pulling the corner of his upper lip outwards, placing his mouth in a permanent sneer. The bridge of his nose was tilted leftwards as a result of broken cartilage, and was missing patches of hair. I removed my helmet as well, holding it in the crook of my arm. I nodded my head, giving Ralnox the message that he may speak.

"Anywhere I may get myself fixed up?" Ralnox inquired. I tilted my head in the direction of the armory. "Follow me."

As we crossed the courtyard towards the Armory, Space Marines were bustling about all around us, taking to their respective Squads and then into a Thunderhawk collectively, undoubtebly ordered by Zychron to secure the area in which we found Ralnox. Zychron was pacing all around, yelling orders left and right. The metal doors of the armory creeped open and we stepped inside. I led him to the end of the hallway where the main storage room would be, and I directed him to a group of Servitors resting in a corner under a biolume. They immediately jumped to action in restoring Ralnox's armor and resupplying him with the necessary weapons and munitions. I nodded to myself and left the room, exiting the armory.

I watched the chaos in the base unfold for a moment before Zychron approached me. He had his helmet on now, his sheathe for his power sword attached to his belt. His voice came out more intimidating as usual as it was modified by the vox-caster in his helmet. I made the sign of the aquila. "What do you require, Captain?" I asked.

Zychron gripped the hilt of his power sword. A small bolt of energy crackled up his gauntlet momentarily. "I am forming a small squad to lead against the xenos scum that threaten the planet. I shall use you and the other Raven Guard, as well as brother Gorgus. Where are the two?"

"Ralnox is getting his armor repaired. The Servitors will be done their work in no time. As for Gorgus, we shall have to track him down." Zychron nodded. His voice escalated into a small shout. "First Orks, now Tyranids as well? May the Emperor smile upon us, Brother-Sergeant."

"May the Emperor smile upon all of us," I replied.

Ralnox exited the Armory moments after the conversation halted. His armor was touched up and polished to a shine, looking better than both my armor and Zychron's. He carried nothing more than the usual Bolter, a combat knife sheathed and strapped to his thigh. He made the sign of the aquila with his one free hand, letting his weapon dangle loosely in his other. "Brother Ralnox, reporting for duty Captain." Zychron dismissed the formality, waving his hand. "You're with us, Ralnox. We're collecting Brother Gorgus and heading out. We march against the Tyranid Scum."

Ralnox nodded his head stiffly. "Aye m'Lord." He came to the other side of Zychron and the three of us walked through the courtyard, watching the chaos of deploying Marines around us.

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