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My whole body aches and I have this weird burning in the pit of my stomach that keeps getting worse and worse. Sometimes I'll feel fine then others it's like walking is impossible. I don't tell Roman because I know he'll make a big deal out of it and really it's nothing, I probably ate something bad.

As I'm baking some brownies in the oven the burning ignites at the worst it has ever been. I double over and clutch the counter for support. A whine slips through my lips as the heat spreads through my body. I feel like I'm not fire and the only thing that can dim it is Roman, like a tall glass of water. My feet work on their own as I walk out of the kitchen to Romans office where he's working on paperwork. He looks up when he sees me. "What's wrong Lexi?" He asks standing. Another whimper slips from my lips.

"It burns." I whine. His cool hands touch my cheek making the fire in me dim.

"What burns?"

"Everything." Roman examines me but finds nothing then like a light switch his eyes light up.

"Lexi, I think you're going into heat." He whispers. Another wave of fire rolls through me and I let out a cry, clutching Roman for support.

"Heat? Like a dog?" I ask panting.

"Basically." Roman answers. "It puts unmated females in a frenzy to find their mate. Or in our case to completely mate."

"It hurts." I groan.

"I know, baby. I know." Roman looks torn. "I'm going to call Annie and my mother. They may be able to help you." He walks us to his desk making sure to keep a hand on me at all times.

"Hello?" I hear a familiar voice answer.

"Mom, I need you and Annie to come over. Lexi is going into heat and I don't want to be anywhere near her when it fully hits." Roman tells her.

"Why don't you just mate?" She asks.

"Just get here!" Roman growls, slamming the phone down. I whine again and back away from Roman.

"I'm burning."

"I know it hurts baby but I can't be near you right now." Roman growls struggling with his wolf. Roman picks me up and tosses me on the couch in his office. "Stay here. I'll turn the fan on and open a window but you need to stay here."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because other unmated male wolves will be able to smell you when your heat fully flares up and they'll try to mate with you out of instinct. I won't let that happen to you."

"Please Roman, don't leave me." I cry.

"I have to. You're not ready to mate and I promised you I wouldn't do anything you weren't comfortable with." His eyes flicker between his yellow wolf eyes and his normal green ones as his wolf fights for control.

When Romans mom and sister arrive Roman leaves without a word. Both girls come to the office with cool rags and ice for me but all I want is my mate. Annie tries to keep me distracted but as my heat flares up her efforts are no use. I burn and burn and burn for what feels like days and Roman never comes back. Lynn, Romans mom, keeps everyone who tries to come in out. Finally it becomes too much and I beg them to get Roman. "Are you sure you're ready sweetheart?" Lynn asks. "Roman can't come here if you have even an ounce of hesitation."

"I want him." I groan out.

"I'll call him mom," Annie offers, standing "You stay with Lexi and tell her everything she needs to know." Lynn nods. When Annie is gone she turns to me.

"Lexi, mating while you're in heat gives you an even greater chance of becoming pregnant." Her words temporarily dim my heat.

"I don't care." I cry.

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