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As I pull into the driveway I look at the clock on the stereo and see that it's almost ten. My mom's car is in the driveway and the lights in the house are on. Slowly and with great effort I get out of my car, wiping tears off my face as I go. The door opens with a soft creak as I ungracefully stumble into the house throwing my jacket on the hook on my way in. " Alexis May Grace Hathaway get your ass in here right now!" My mom's voice booms. I wince at her tone and slowly turn the corner to find that my mother is not alone. Two large men are seated on the couch across from her staring up at me with wonder and confusion. The larger of the two looks pissed when he sees me and I swear I hear him growl. Ignoring them like I do everything else right now I look up at my mom. Her eyes go wide and she stands taking a few steps towards me. " Oh Lexi what happened?" She asks, noticing my puffy, red eyes and teary face. Instead of answering I bolt up the stairs. Mom calls after me but one sound in particular fills my ears and that's the soft whine like a puppy who just got their toy taken away.


As the door opens and the daughter of the woman in front of me comes into view after being yelled at by her mother my wolf goes crazy. I fight to keep in control but seeing that she - my mate- had been crying set me and my wolf off again. When she bolted up the stairs I nearly lost it again and even let a small whine escape me. My beta Maxon puts his hand on my shoulder telling me not to go after her. I fight all my instinct and emotions that all tell me to scoop her up and never let her feel the pain she's feeling again. " Alpha?" Maxon asks through our mind link. " What's wrong?"

" Mate." I growl back. He goes quiet and I know he's finally feeling the connection to her as his Luna. Heather, my mate's mother, sits back down on the couch and smiles at us but it's clear to see her mind is elsewhere as is mine.

" As I was saying, my ex husband has no contact with me or Lexi. After he found out I was pregnant he left. Never heard from him again. So I'm not sure how much help I'll be in finding him."

" He left because you were pregnant?" I ask, pushing the anger aside as best as I can.

" That's what I gathered, yes." Heather eyes us suspiciously. " Look, Lexi doesn't know the first thing about her father but she's incapable of hating anyone. Please, if he's in some sort of trouble, don't tell her. I can bear her losing the only faith she has in him. Even if he deserves it."

" He's not in any trouble ma'am. We'd just really like to find our friend." Maxon tells her for me since I'm still in a state of shock from finding my mate.

" Would you mind if I met your daughter?" I blurt out suddenly. Heather looks at me with a strange curiosity in her eyes. " She just looked so upset when she came in. I wanted to know if there was anything I could do." I add quickly. A small smile forms on Heather's lips.

" She's your mate isn't she."


As hard as I tried I couldn't get that whine out of my head. It stuck with me and for some reason made me even sadder when I already was. The memory of Sam's face when I drove away hits me like a ton of bricks and I find myself crying all over again. The beautiful girl next to him with barely any clothing on, clearly giving him what I never would. Because I'm stupid. Because I'm the goody good in the school who everyone copies off of. Because I'm easy to use. I always knew it was too good to be true but I was never able to stop myself from going to him again and again. A strange tingling feeling courses through me and I find myself gravitating towards my bedroom door. Then there's a knock and I practically tear the door off the wall to open it. My breath hitches in my throat when I see who's on the other side. The man from down stairs stands before me with a small smile playing on his delicious looking lips. His raven hair looks so soft I just want to run my hands through it and his green eyes have me mesmerized. " I'm sorry for bothering you but I saw that you were quite upset and wanted to know If you were okay." His lousiouse voice breaks me from my trance.

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