Chapter 11

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The next day. Tree-Oak was brought to trial for the murder of Evelynn Igel. The judge before him said, "Your crime while working for the force really brings a stain to us law enforcements. Police-chief Zane? Proceed the evidence." Zane nodded before he said, "Ladies and gentlemen of the room. I present exhibit A. The pipe that was used to murder Evelynn Igel. No doubt he used it to hit Evelynn so hard that it damaged her brain and caused a fatal and brutal blow to the head. DNA confirmed that it was Evelynns blood on the pipe and evidence shows Tree-Oaks fingerprints on it. I also found a note that he had to meet up with Stonecold." Everyone gasped as the crowd muttered. Tree-Oak's goose was cooked. Then the coroner came in and said, "There was no doubt about it. Evelynns cause of death was from being hit with a blunt object. The pipe matched the blow on Evelynns head where she was struck. Her corpse was no doubt in that secret room for a few days." He shows the photo of Evelynns struck head at the morgue. After a few more evidence was shown and the judge said as he sent the jury to deliberate, "Tree-Oak. You are truly an evil person. I dunno how a person can do it to a person she trusts." Everyone muttered in hate and anger as the jury came back with the deliberation. The judge asked, "Has the jury reached the verdict?" One of the jury said, "We have your honor. We the jury find Tree-Oak guilty of the murder of Evelynn Igel." The judge replied, "Very well. Tree-Oak your reckless move and unforgivable crime has cost the life of a good friend and mother of one. As punishment for Evelynns murder. I here by sentence you to life in prison. With no parole! Take him away officers!" The officers took away Tree-Oak as he screamed and denied he murdered her. That's when he saw Jimmy-James with a satisfied look on his face before he was sent before the judge. Jimmy-James said, "Your honor? I..." the judge said calmly, "Jimmy-James Matthew Igel. During the disappearance of your mother. You truly did something no kid would do. You save the life of Two year old Denise Pierce." Jimmy-James then said in shame, "But I didn't have a chance to save her parents." The judge replied, "True but you saved their daughter. You should be proud young Jimmy-James. You saved her life more than once and caught your mother's murderer. It's surprisingly and an honor to say that you, Jimmy-James Igel have been a hero." The crowd in the court applause as Jimmy-James was surprised. After the court case was over Jimmy-James sat down at the bench while everyone was talking. That's when Jimmy-James looked up in tears to see his parents. Evelynn's ghost smiled and said as she kneeled down, "I'm proud of you Son. You scared me but I'm so proud." The ghost of Jimmy's father said, "I can't believe you got that little girl out of the car before she got caught in the flaming car. But were happy your safe Jimmy-James." Jimmy-James said, "Mommy. Daddy." Both frowned as they looked at each other. Knowing what that means. Jimmy-James said to them, "Please. Don't leave me. I don't wanna be alone again." Evelynns ghost said with a smile as she hugged him, "Your not alone Jimmy-James. You have the little girl with you. Your more lucky than you think. Don't worry sweetie. We'll be reunited again but until then. We'll wait for you in heaven. Be strong Jimmy-James. We love you." Jimmy-James said as the hug was broken, "I love you too Mommy. Daddy." Jimmy's fathers ghost said, "Continue to make us proud son. We'll be watching you." He sees the ghost of his parents walked to heaven. Jimmy-James wave to them before he looked down. Then he looked to see the ghosts Denise's parents. Jimmy-James said to them, "I'm so sorry." Cora said, "Don't be. It was Denise we were worried about. We came here to thank you for saving our daughter." Then Amos's ghost appeared and said, "Mom. Dad." The ghosts of Raj and Cora said in tears as they turned, "Amos." They hugged him as Raj's ghost said, "We missed you son." Amos's ghost smiled and said, "I missed you both too." He then turn to Jimmy-James and said, "Listen. I thank you for saving Denise. Listen promise me you be there for her as her new brother. Take good care of Denise." Jimmy-James looked at Denise at the other bench and said, "I will Amos. I promise I will." Amos smiled and said, "We'll be watching over Denise from above. Now we know she's in good hands. Farewell Jimmy-James Igel and thank you for saving Denise." Then the ghost of Denise's family went to heaven as Jimmy-James walked to Denise and said, "I'll watch over you now Denise." Little Denise smiled and said, "I wove big Brobur." Jimmy-James replied as he hugged her, "Big brother loves you too Denise."

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