The fifth part????

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I just sat next to his corpse, my mind voiding any thought that crossed through it. I could feel the weight of my body curl into itself like a mummified spider you'd find in your grandmother's attic. My vision blurred and, lifting a hand to rub my eyes, my face was wet.
I felt a black hole the size of Jupiter land directly into my chest. It sucked in all of my being and energy, leaving nothing but a cold void left. Soon the black hole imploded on itself, forcing everything back out and in a split second I was screaming. I begged and pleaded for him to come back to me, screeching threats and appeals to any god or devil that could hear me. I could barely breathe, every breath sucked in being blown back out as soon as my body processed that i had oxygen. I wanted him back, I didn't care if I had to sell every atom of myself to do it.

I didn't know how long I had been screaming, 5 seconds? 5 hours? I couldn't tell nor could I have cared, after a little bit all I could see were black spots, and I passed out.

I couldnt tell if was dreaming or dead, but either way, i dont think i cared. I looked around, seeing a void that was somehow filled with bursts of light of all different colors. Some shone brighter than others, and as I passed one near to me I saw a figure in the middle of it. A thought crossed through my mind, "these are people ' it said. I looked down at myself, seeing not my tank top and shorts I slept in, but a silhouette of my body, emitting a muted pink light that seemed like it wanted to shine brighter, but was kept dark.
I looked around, finding all different colors of people, animals, and beings I didn't even recognize. I noticed that I had curled up, my knees hugged to my chest with my arms holding them. I uncurled, my limbs feeling stiff like I had been a statue that was brought to life. I stretched out, and looked behind me.
I yelped as i saw a royal blue figure back to back with me, and as i turned to face it, it turned to me too. I looked at it and as my eyes made it to his chest i saw the dog tags, and i looked down to my chest and found dog tags as well.
"Boss..?" i spoke softly, my voice breaking and echoing throughout the void.
"I have to go rosey. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay in the next life, I'll miss you, I wish you could've seen the world I lived in before." he said, beginning to fade away.
I felt tears begging to be released,
"wai-wait... please-PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!" i cried out, the tears spilling into the void as i reached out to him. I saw a smile on his face as he faded, only to start burning brighter than ever, making me turn away. When i turned back, i saw his royal blue light and when i looked into it, i saw a baby.
"Ol-oliver...." I whimpered, reaching out to the baby and pulling it to me, cradling it in my arms, "I love you so much..."

The baby looked up at me, and smiled brightly.

My eyes snapped open and I looked around frantically, finding myself back in Boss' home. His corpse was still there, laying still as if he was sleeping.

I tried my best to dress him nicely, it wasnt really that successful as the suit i put on him was wrinkled and deformed. But I tried. I stayed in that house for only a few days more, i couldnt pass oliver's room without breaking down into tears.

I had grabbed only clothes, some basic necessities and his dog tags before i went on my way.

I drifted for months, my short choppy black hair growing down past my shoulders. I just wanted to forget my life before, all of the happiness and love i had that i would never feel again. But every time i thought i was okay i could feel the heaviness in my chest coming back.

But then it wasnt just the sadness that held heavy on my heart

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