The meeting

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I tapped my foot waiting. Sighing and looking around waiting for the person who gave me the message. "Meet me at 3 am in the direct middle of the park" I checked my watch.
It was 3am 45 minutes ago and I groaned. I just wanted the bastard to show up and -

"Hello, rose."

I jumped and spun around, seeing a tall man that seemed almost perfect, but that perfection made me feel like there was something wrong.
"Did... did you wri-write the note...?"
He chuckled at my trembling voice, "of course i did rose, dont be stupid." he stepped closer to me, making me back up.
He stopped, frowning but backing up a bit. "My name is daniel. You can call me dan. I already know who you are rose."
I kept quiet, examining him and trying to figure out why he made me feel like I was looking at a predator.
He sighed like he was expecting me to say something. I didn't know what, i didnt see anything to respond to.
"Rose, you have a stone in your chest right?"
"How.... how could you possibly know that...." I trembled even more.
"'Cause I have one in my head."
I gulped, Bod told me about him, and i dont know how i missed it before. The perfect being, the body's other half, the psychotic, narcissistic other half.
"I know you want to make the world back to the way it was before my mother and I took over. But you need to know how it was before," he stepped towards me again, reaching his hand out towards my shoulder, "let me show you-"
"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!!" i pushed him away harshly, the feeling of someone about to touch me against my will, after nobody would even looked at me since I had left Oliver's house, seeming tantamount to getting assaulted. Daniel looked shocked, and I composed myself. "Ple-please... dont touch me."
"You need to see how it was before."
He aggressively came towards me again, and I backed up.
"I already know what it was like."
"Then you know how much pain and suffering was in this world."
I closed my eyes, thinking about Oliver, "th-there was pain... but... but there was happiness too, the pain made people want to make the world better. They worked to improve both their own lives and others, Without anyone like me or you to help them"
Daniel chuckled, shaking his head. "That's what naive people would say to justify their own inactions in the face of atrocities."
I shook my head "n-no it's not! Good people would say that! People who want to improve others!!"
Daniel cornered me against a tree
"You dont know that! You werent alive when I was! Only stupid people who havent experienced anything would-"
"HE WASNT STUPID!!!" i felt my chest become heavy as i reopened the wound that had only just started healing, "HE WAS SMART AND KIND AND AMAZING AND YOU WILL NOT TALK ABOUT MY BOSS LIKE THAT!!!'' I screamed. Daniel backed up, and I felt something trying to pry in the corners of my mind and body and in the heat of my anger and grief I just blinked and sent it back to the sender tenfold.

When i next opened my eyes i was in an old small house that i didnt recognize, and i saw a boy. The sleeping boy looked to be at the very most 13 years old. I crept closer, looking into the boys face and he awoke. i couldve recognized the predatory eyes of daniel anywhere.

'How did you...' daniel's voice was muffled at the back of my mind

I next found myself outside in someone's backyard, and looking around i saw Daniel with a girl who looked to be at least 16. She pushed him into a pond and they soon went into a house next to the one we were already at.

'Wait this isnt- y-you arent supposed to be here'

I followed them closely, and the girl followed Daniel into the shower. I covered my face, horrified at the girl taking advantage of such a young boy. My thoughts ran wild as I squeezed my eyes shut, "maybe this is why he's so bad?" "he can't see the good because of this.." but when i opened my eyes and next saw daniel holding an older man in a red and black spotted suit and the girl on the bed, i knew it wasnt any circumstances that made daniel evil. It was just how he was. I saw the man begin to bleed, not from his nose, or any wound. Every pore in his body was bleeding, and he was screaming so loudly.

'Why are you here?' I heard Daniel start getting louder.

I trembled as i saw the life drain out of the man, daniel wasnt fazed and all he did was just go back to the girl and undress. I squeezed my eyes shut once more, and when I next awoke I saw Daniel, the body, and a skeletal being that I felt strangely pulled towards. The body and daniel seemed to be closer then, daniel being in his original form and the body was a large handsome man who towared both the skeletal being and daniel. I felt someone behind me, and when I looked behind me I saw a woman so beautiful it made me feel like my eyes were going to melt inside of my head.

'STOP!' I heard Daniel's voice reverberate through the scene, and echo in my head.

I closed my eyes and tried to find my way out, but when i opened them i found myself somewhere i couldnt recognize. I saw the girl from before, now older, and Daniel, in the form he was when he approached me. I saw disinterest in the girl's face as Daniel tried to make love to her. Daniel seemed to see this as well, and talked to her. I couldnt hear what they were saying but I knew it wasnt good as the scene morphed into an argument. "JUST SHUT UP JULIA!!" I snapped my eyes towards Daniel, and I could hear everything he said at once. To him, julia was his one true love, the first girl he made love to and the only girl he ever found himself genuinely in love with. But to Julia, he was just a means to an end, she only liked him because she had power over him. I examined Daniel's face as I realized how much this actually meant, and the moment he realized it too, Julia was gone. Split apart molecule by molecule in seconds.


I saw the predatory glint return to Daniel's eyes, and I saw him travelling to begin his search for a new partner in seconds.


My lip trembled as I heard screaming, my own screaming. And I know Daniel had heard me too.


I saw him watch me scream and cry on the floor of Oliver's room. He watched me beg for him to come back. He watched me in the moment where every single part of my soul was torn out and laid bare. And finally I saw myself pass out, and Daniel left as something fell from the sky and into me.

'GET!! OUT!!!'

I felt myself being pulled in all directions, and I was lying on the ground of the park. Staring down at me was Daniel, looking at me with something I could only describe as fear in the mask of pure rage.

I flinched as he grasped my shirt and pinned me up against the tree behind me. "Normally i would slaughter anyone who would even try to pry into my memories, but you" he chuckled and grabbed my chin, "you felt me trying to get in before i even knew was possible and just waltzed into my head like i was nothing." he set me down on the ground, still keeping me trapped under him with his arms. "I've been looking for someone like you for a long time, and I'm not going to throw that away just because my ego tells me to. So I will give you a choice."
He grasped my face and forced me to look him in the eyes, "you will come with me, and be mine forever, or you can die." i was terrified, his eyes showed a complete sadistic rage. I trembled and couldn't speak, and he laughed. "I see you're having trouble deciding. I'll give you some time to decide." he put me down, and disappeared.
I started hyperventilating, gasping and crying as i folded under my own weight.

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