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The chapel stood tall and still with its dark Shadow casting over you and the overgrown foliage surrounding it, vines crawled along the decrepit walls that were painted a lurid color, and the mist only seemed to become stronger as it gathered across the front entrance of the mysterious building. You noticed strange sigils carved on each of the broad doors with a silver outline, making it pop out through the murky fog. Your eyes inspected the stained windows that were scattered on all parts of the building's architecture, each had a peculiar design somewhat matching the face of the arcane man who was currently accompanying you.

You felt a soft hand land on your shoulder, pulling you away from your gawking, you quickly spun to your side and noticed the man giving you a lopsided grin with his half-lidded eyes, "Admiring the artwork hmm" he slowly turned to fixate his gaze upon the window panes and nudged you closer, "see the one wearing the green robe? That's my nuisance of a brother", he cackled dryly attempting to make light conversation, although you stared back at the figures that were painted along the panes with different colors separating them despite sharing the same details on their faces, each had their distinctive face decal but looked similar once compared.

"My dear I'm sorry for disturbing you but we really should be going inside" he spoke up again and began walking towards the front entrance, lightly pulling you along with him. You stepped on the concrete stairs as you held onto the man for leverage, he greatly obliged as he linked his arms with yours.
He began to press a buzzer on the side of the chapel doors that you didn't seem to notice earlier, it perplexed you why a chapel would need a doorbell but you chose not to question it. At least for now.

One of the doors opened slightly, the light shown from the inside pouring out onto the stone stairs with its warm color. The door opened wide revealing an older woman, the golden lighting behind her casted her shadow upon you as you were shaded from the luminosity from inside the building. She wore a black pencil skirt that matched her long-sleeved button-up of the same color that was tucked into her skirt, being secured with a black belt. You caught a glimmer of silver that hung loosely around her neck before you caught her piercing glare, "Terzo you never told me we were having a guest" she spoke sharply as her hardened gaze never left your form. "A ghoul found her in the forest sister" his accent accentuated the word sister as 'seestor' which you would've found funny if it wasn't for the stern women practically staring daggers at you. The man you now know as 'Terzo' softly untangled his arm with yours as he spared you a glance with a small smile that left you feeling a sort of "fluttering" inside your abdomen as if you were being tickled but not quite. He took long strides towards the woman who was no longer paying attention to you and quickly pulled her aside to where you couldn't see anything but their backs facing you, they were muttering back and forth as the woman whipped her head to glance back at you then went back to a silent argument with Terzo, who you could see gesturing to you and the chapel that stood before you with his gloved hands.

They bickered back and forth until you were suddenly called upon by the older woman, "if we are to be fully introduced, then what may I call you?" She spoke elegantly as she quirked an eyebrow with curiosity while resting her hands on her hips, expecting a response, your mouth felt dry as your voice slightly cracked out an answer.

She seemed satisfied enough as she clicked her black heels together and straightened her back, "You may call me sister Imperator if you are going to be a residence here" before you could even question her she turned her back to you and walked inside the chapel without hesitation. You were absolutely baffled and confused, being a residence at a chapel? Last time you checked you didn't even have the vocabulary nor faith to be a nun, Terzo turned to look at you with a big grin as you stood and stared at him with shock. He caught onto your look immediately and walked back towards you, he took both of your hands into his gloved ones and looked at you with a sort of sympathy, "I know this is a eh- perplex set of circumstances but all will be explained"
he spoke slowly with a half-smile, "I promise piccolino" you squeezed his hands, feeling the soft cotton fabric of his gloves, and nodded as he wrapped his arm around yours and guided you into the looming church. The golden light inside welcomed you with open arms as you felt solace in the unusual abode, it filled you with a sense of comfort as you left the moonless fog that once engulfed you.

𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞 - 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧/𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now