Chapter 13 - family reunion

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*judge's pov*

*three generations ago*

"Daddy, are you ok?" I look down at my son with sorrow painted in my eyes.

"Son, please promise me you'll do anything to make sure the steves survive."

"Why daddy? I thought you were doing that already?" I really don't want to do this but I can already feel the barrier falling apart.

"Son, Sabre, please just promise me."

"Fine, I promise but what are you doing?"

"Please forgive me but this will all make sense in the future.." I open a portal behind him and push him through.


"I'm sorry son *sighs* now to get Colle here to stop Seer..."

* present*

"Sabre?" I can't believe it, I thought I was dead so how am I locking eyes with my son? I step out of this thing I'm in and analyse the small child in front of me.

"Dad? DAD!" He runs at me giving me a big strong hug, yep that's my child.

"Son how-how did you bring me back? I'm lost with words, thank you." I say while hugging him back. I never thought I would see him again.

"I-I did as you asked, I just wish you'd tell me what was going on."

"Son, I wanted to but we just didn't have the time for that. Sorry."

"I'M ALIVE!" Wait did Genesis fall to the darkness too?

"Ahh scary monster!"

"Indigo that's Genesis, calm down." Wow my boy has grown up.

"Why dose he have one eye then?!"

"Mean. Oh hi judge and nephew."

"Hi uncle! Glad you're back:D"

"Anyways, son, who are these steves you're with?"

"Oh, yeah let me introduce them. So the hooded one is M, the one with a clock for a face is Time Steve and the one next to him is his brother Elemental Steve, the white one is light Steve and the others are the leaders of Orange, Yellow, Green, Bule, Indigo and Violet steve's." They all give some sort of greetings but that elemental guy, he gives me a weird vibes. I'll need to keep a close eye on him, don't want anything to happen to my baby boy now would we.

"Hello all, know let us introduce our selves. I am the Judge, I am the peacekeeper of this world and next to me is my little brother Genesis, who did have creations living in this world but judging by who's here I'm guessing they're all destroyed."

"Yeah they're all gone...."

"But he's a great healer at less."

"I shouldn't of tried fighting void..."

"You tried fighting him?" The yellow leader was it? Yeah he asked.

"Heh.. heh.. yeah I had a go but he was too strong for me."

"Wait if he was too strong for someone who literally created a whole entire race of steves... SABRE!"

"WHAT LIGHT! Wait.. Heh... Heh."



"Yeah he was and he even destroyed void with it!"


"Yes dad?"

"Did you try using it for good?"


"That's all that matters and I can tell you're no longer infected."

"Yeah I made sure he was cleared of any darkness that could be on him"

"Thank you, Light was is?"

"Yes and you're welcome sir." He's a good role model for my little boy.

"Well son, you've surrounded yourself with amazing people in my time of absence, good job and it seems you're living up to your name."

"Wait Sabre's name actually means something?"

"Yes Orange leader, it dose."

"Dad you can say what it means if you want."

"So 'Sabre' is a type of sword and I was planning on raising him to one day take over my role so I named him Sabre as a way to say he is the steve's sword, he will fight for those who can't and protect those in need."

"So that's why he prefers a sword as his weapon of choice."

"Basically yeah."

"*gasps* we still need to take back the rainbow kingdom."

"Oh my origins you're right we need to come up with a plan."

"Dad, uncle can you guys help?"

"Of course son we'll help you with anything you need."

"So here's the plan we walk in with the leaders, light and his guards, dad and uncle you two watch from the shadows and only come in if things start looking ruff."

"Got it son, but what will you all be doing in there?"

"Well all we really need to do is convince the people that the blue and indigo Steve aren't a problem and that they were manipulated by Sol. The less followers he has equals to less power which leads to us regaining control, so once he has no power Light will arrest him and anyone still loyal to him for the crimes they've caused."

"That plan might actually work. MEN WE LEAVE AT SUN RISE!" Light commands his troupes.

"Let's all set up camp here and rest up ready for tomorrow then." Is he still the same 10 year old I pushed in a portal, I guess not but I'm looking forward to seeing what my boy is fully capable of tomorrow.

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