Chapter One: Prologue

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Earth Kingdom parties had always been Kaida's favorite. Having been a young vagabond prior to finding her home in the North, she'd been to her fair share of shindigs across the three kingdoms. But Earth Kingdom parties were an entirely different breed. Whether they were in the lowest of the Lower Ring or the highest of the Upper Ring, Earth Kingdom citizens were always wonderful to talk to and laugh with, and their food was entirely unmatched. After some persuading, Kaida had gotten to tag along to the Earth Kingdom President's coronation, and the subsequent party.

This is how she found herself lounging on an extremely comfortable chair in the Earth Kingdom palace, chatting idly with a young couple, consisting of an effervescent earthbender and a sweet airbender, both about her age.

"You developed airbending in the aftermath of Harmonic Convergence, yes? How has that experience, and your journey as a bender, been for you?" Kaida inquired, to the bright-eyed girl named Opal.

"Oh, it's been incredible," Opal admitted, smiling. "I didn't really mind being a non-bender, but I can't deny that it's really fun to be an airbender. Master Tenzin and Master Jinora have been amazing teachers, and everyone I've met throughout my journey has been wonderful."

"That's wonderful. Congratulations to you," Kaida said with a smile, and Opal thanked her as Kaida turned to the girl's companion. "Tell me, how did you develop the ability to lavabend? That is quite a feat."

The young man, whose name escaped Kaida, excitedly stated, "Oh, it was awesome! Me, Master Tenzin, Asami Sato, and my brother Mako were trying to escape the Northern Air Temple, after a member of the Red Lotus used his lavabending to destroy the temple. The entire thing was about to collapse. I created a tunnel through the side of the mountain, but we were on the edge of it with nowhere to go. Lava started coming at us through the tunnel, and I just sort of instinctively tried to stop it – because it was either give it a shot, burn alive, or jump to our deaths – and BOOM! Lavabender!"

"Fascinating," Kaida mused, grinning at his obvious excitement.

"Yeah!" he agreed, and then an idea appeared to dawn on him. "Also, by the way, my brother happens to be single – if you're, you know, interested. He's a really cool guy; kinda moody sometimes, but he's got a heart of gold. He works as a bodyguard for the new president!"

Kaida chuckled lightly, and shook her head. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm afraid I'm spoken for." Brushing some jet black hair over her shoulders caused the man to then take note of her betrothal necklace.

"Oh! Sorry, my bad, totally my bad," he apologized, then seemed to inspect the necklace further. "If you don't mind me asking, why are there two separate stones on it? And... is that a skull carved into the one on the right?"

"I should think the design would be familiar to you, feeble turtleduck."

A shriek escaped the man's lips as he laid eyes on Eska, who was now standing behind Kaida with her hand on Kaida's shoulder, along with Desna. Their chilly palms were always comforting, and their timing was convenient, as Kaida had been wondering where they'd run off to.

"I see that you have become acquainted with Bolin," Desna observed, sounding bored with the conversation already.

"Ah, this is my Eska's infamous ex-fiancé," Kaida stated, turning to look at the earthbender – Bolin, apparently – with a knowing smirk. "Well, what can I say? Your loss was my gain."

"Wait... you're married to Eska?" Bolin asked, eyebrows raised and jaw dropped.

"Yes. And Desna," Kaida clarified, placing her palms atop both of the twins' hands.

"You're married to both of them?"

"Astonishing observational skills," Desna quipped dryly, causing Kaida to giggle softly. Bolin ignored the remark entirely.

"Actually... that makes sense," he stated, now looking at the newcomer with curiosity. "I mean, they share everything; clothes, shoes, hairstyles. And I've only talked with you for a half hour, but from what I know about them, I can totally see how you're fitting for both of them."

"Yes, our arrangement works out quite well," Kaida assured him, smiling. "Eska enjoys my humor and affectionate nature, and Desna and I share a fondness for knowledgeable conversation and sarcasm."

Bolin nodded, then glanced at Eska and back to Kaida. He held a hand up to cover his mouth, although it did nothing to conceal his words as he loudly whispered, "Is she nice to you?"

"Extremely. She treats me like a queen."

"Oh, thank goodness," he said, sounding genuinely relieved.

Kaida then recalled a conversation she'd had with Eska early on in the relationship, during which Eska admitted that she wasn't very kind to her past partners. Considering the fact that none of her prior experiences had worked out, she eventually realized that kindness is a necessity in a successful relationship. This is why she chose to strive to be endlessly kind toward Kaida, because she loves her deeply and never wants to lose her.

Desna had held a somewhat similar conversation with Kaida, also not long after the relationship began. In a manner that Kaida found positively adorable and endearing, he shyly admitted to not having much knowledge on relationships, due to the fact that he had never experienced one himself, so he thought it best to simply ask what Kaida wanted from him as a partner. Of course, she addressed the basics, such as loyalty, trust, truthfulness, communication, and kindness. Then she explained that she primarily craved partnership with someone she shared an intellectual connection with, being that reading books and scrolls had always been her greatest love. Kaida wanted someone she could have long, intelligent conversations with, and someone who made her feel at peace. Desna certainly ticked all those boxes, and her relationship with both the twins had been nothing short of heaven ever since.

"Don't you two get jealous, sharing a partner?" Opal asked the twins, and Kaida could tell from her tone and general polite demeanor that she was asking out of sheer curiosity, not out of judgement.

"Occasionally," Desna admitted.

"But we simply communicate that to one another, and the matter is always quickly resolved," Eska elaborated.

"Well, I'm glad you two found someone who makes you happy," Bolin said to Desna and Eska with a kind smile. He then looked at their wife and added, "I haven't known you long, but I'm glad for you, too. You seem like an awesome person. Congratulations to you guys."

Desna and Eska each gave him a curt nod to indicate his gratitude, while Kaida thanked him.

"Come, my darling tiger shark. We wish to introduce you to the president," Eska stated then, and Kaida took the hand Desna offered as she stood to join them. She waved to Bolin and Opal as she left, and they returned the gesture as she placed your hands in the crooks of Desna and Eska's elbows, allowing them to lead her toward their destination.

As Kaida took a moment to admire her husband and her wife, both of them possessing somber, uninterested expressions on their beautiful features as they exchanged nods with random dignitaries who greeted the Chiefs of the Northern Water Tribe in passing, Kaida decided that she'd be quite content wherever she goes in the world – as long as she had her loves by her side.

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