Chapter 4

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September 13th, 2009 -Saturday

Matt holds his breath as the clock chimes midnight and he picks up her notebook to look at it.

Sept. 12th - Mr. Tanner is killed by Damon at the one else dies that day, that I know of.

Tyler and Jeremy had a fight over me. Stefan got a cut on his hand that healed within seconds. Only Elena noticed.

Sept. 29th - I am bitten again by Damon after he escapes the cellar, then after he killed my . . 'Stoner' friends he finds out I'm still alive. Then I am kidnapped by Damon

Sept. 30th - Damon feeds me his blood, when I wake I am drunk of blood and eventually bourbon, he feeds on me through out the day. . and I drink his blood. What was I thinking? I was too trusting. After telling him about myself he killed me, turning me into a vampire.

After reading it, unable to go any farther then that Matt puts it down and covers his face with his hands trying to catch his breathe. How could she know? How is that possible? This isn't possible!

Is she delirious? No. . No she isn't. She just knew somehow. But how? Seers don't exist. They just don't.

With he sigh he gets up, grabs his pillow from his room and sets her alarm. Laying down on the floor beside her bed he just hopes that he imagined it and that what he read was her trying to make up stories again. She's done that before, not normally as a timeline or anything but she's made shit up before. That's why it can be so hard to trust her.

When morning comes Vicki is up before the alarm goes off. Grabbing her notebook and a pair of clothes she goes to get ready for the day. Getting breakfast ready she feels productive but she knows that she's not over the battle to get over her dependence on 'the bad things' so to speak. Then there was the dreams, dreams of goddesses, ponds that held images and the barking of dogs. But, her mind keeps going to the symbol she kept seeing through it all with a circle in the center and a bunch of arrows pointing out in several directions. What was that symbol and what does it mean to her?
Fighting the urge to turn to drugs will be hard too deal with, which means that she will need to learn other coping methods. Unfortunately she will also have to go back to school on Monday, something that even without Mr. Tanner a large part of her dreads it.

Going back to her room to wake up Matt she didn't expect him to jump, he is generally not so jumpy.

"Matty?" She asks him concerned as a frown forms on her face. "What's wrong?"

He looks at his sister, his eyes were bloodshot from all of the nightmares, the dreams of his sister turning into a vampire. . . of her being bitten by whomever this 'Damon' was. . finding out that his sister, his wild and albeit somewhat wild sister is died. He looks at her carefully, looking more herself then ever before. Watching her facial expression he asks her hesitantly, but he has to know.

"Did you know that Mr. Tanner was going to be murdered?"

Matt watches as she takes a deep breathe, as if she's trying not to breathe, as if a part of her is panicking. She was frozen in place, afraid as her little brother watched her with a frown. . one of fear. . . one of - one of something akin to concern.

"You did, didn't you?" Matt says softly after watching fear flash through her features. "You knew that he was going to be murdered."

His last words were a statement, not a question. Vicki knows that. She bites her lip as he watches her closely as she asks him gently, the way she always had when she is actually afraid.

"Do you really want to know Matty? You probably won't believe me again. ."

Closing his eyes Matt nods as he tries to hold himself together. He already knows, but if there is the chance that its bullshit and shes just . . god, he hopes that its not real. "Tell me Vickie, you have to tell me the truth."

Repeat - V1 - Pairing - Vicki x Kol and Arcadius Where stories live. Discover now