chapter 2- Heatwaves

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zayn walked into the coffee shop and saw the guys at a booth all the way in a corner, he goes and joins them" you fucking dildo we've been waiting here for the past 10 minutes- oh love? you alright?" Louis questions as his eyes soften looking at zayn who was looking at his hands fiddling with his fingers."you alright zayn?" niall asked with croissant in his mouth,usually zayn would've scolded niall for it but right now he looked at niall and gave a small fake smile" alright zayn spill whats going on?" harry says with a stern look.

"umm well" zayn took a deep breath in and looked at the other guys

" liamgotagirlfriendwhoisatotalbitch" he says in one breath 

" wait-wait hold up liam got a girlfriend?" louis says shocked because liam had never had a girlfriend before sure he has dated but he was never officially with someone.

zayn looks to his right to see nialls croissant that was in his mouth fall onto the plate, the guys all knew that zayn has been crushing on liams for years now and they supported him.

" did she say anything" harry says in a low voice concern etched on his face, harry and zayn have been friends ever since they can remember their mums where best friends and still are till this day.

after zayn explained everything that happened this morning Louis was fuming with rage so was harry, niall on the other side.

" zayn mate show him what he's missing out on" niall said stuffing a muffin into his mouth

" and if he doesn't see what he's missing out on then he isn't for you and as for that bitchy toy of his when she's sleeping shave her head off then drag her into the kitchen by holding her feet then squirt some mustard and ketchup and then drag her all the way to the gay stripper club" niall said eyeing harrys half eaten muffin

the boys started laughing and talking some more after that

" next week how bout we hit the gay strippers club niall was talkin bout" harry said smirking at Lou, Louis face flushed as he looked the other way as a small smile crept onto his lips.

" im down" zayn said, he was always down for getting drunk and fucking all night, 

" ill go- but for zayn" Louis smirked looking at harry

"ill not go because im having a movie marathon with the kids i babysit" niall spoke snatching harrys half eaten muffin and demolishing it. it brought a smile to zayns face whenever niall was being niall because niall is a little kid and zayn doesn't want him to grow up at all.

after talking and laughing some more it was time to go back to his apartment, he hugged them goodbye and gave niall a goodbye kiss on his head and left.

while he was walking back to his apartment his phone started to ring, liam. liam was calling him. "hello?" 

"zayn where are you"

"i was at the cafe with the guys why?

" we need to talk" liam spoke, he sounded angry

" about what?" zayn questioned confused

" just get home zayn and we'll talk" liam said and then hung up

weird zayn thought, but he knew what it was about, it was about Maya his new bitch.

zayn opened the door only for it to be slammed shut, liam stood in front of him nostrils flared "what the-" zayn spoke but was cut of by liam " dont what the me, you know what you said to Maya like what the actual fuck zayn" liam said trying to keep calm." i didn't do anything-" " STOP WITH THE LIES ZAYN YOU FUCKING HIT ON HER AND THEN CALLED HER A FUCKING BITCH, YOU TOLD ME YOU WHERE GAY, MORE LIES HUH WHAT ELSE DID YOU NOT TELL ME, THAT YOUR KEEPING AWAY, HUH LET ME GUESS YOU PROBABLY SLEPT WITH ALL MY OTHER DATES BECAUSE YOU .ARE. A. FUCKING. MAN. WHORE-" liam was cut of by zayn slapping him, liams face stung as he looked at zayn who had tears in his eyes" get your facts right before you go on and start accusing me" zayn said his voice breaking.

zayn walked to his room and locking it behind him, he started sobbing and crying, liam could hear him, he wanted to go into zayns room and give him a hug but he can't he hit on his girlfriend and lied to him about loads of shit.

zayn couldn't get over the fact that liam accused him of all of those things and called him a man whore, he dug his head into his pillow and started crying some more.

after 35 minutes of non stop crying he decided to call the others and tell them what happened, harry and louis invited zayn over for a sleepover they where gonna ask niall but niall's babysitting so he couldn't come. 

zayn got his phone ,wallet and left the house going over to harry and louis apartment,he knocked on the door and was welcomed by a hug from louis.

that night zayn let everything out how ever he felt what liams said, every single thing and harry and louis listened and they cuddled all night.

harry and louis had fallen asleep an hour ago, zayn couldn't fall asleep, the words of liam kept replaying in his head that was until

a knock was heard on the door, zayn got up to go open the door, when he opened the door he was faced with no one other then liam fucking payne

" can i help you?" zayn said in a groggy voice which made liam a bit weak in the knees, liam had always fancied zayn a bit more than just a mate but he is straight and plus zayn would never want to be with him or so he thought.

" i-um- you didn't come back to the apartment i was worried" liam said looking down at his shoes and fidgeting with his fingers." why'd you be worried dont u have your 'girlfriend' to go to?" zayn said sarcasticly. "god zayn she's my girlfriend not my mate like you she doesn't live with me yet so i wouldn't know when she's home or not but you live with me and its 3 fucking am and your not home why the fuck wont i be worried" " said yet" "i-" " your planning to kick me out and let her move in with you?" i said in a low whisper hurt evident in my eyes.

"i-its the only way she likes" liam said looking down

" when did you even meet her"

"thats not important zayn-"

" tell me when did you meet her?" zayn cut him off

" last month" liam said in a whisper

" god its been a month and i had no fucking idea y-you never told me, i told you everything every fucking thing and y-you just no i dont want to talk to you"

"zayn im not leaving without whether that means i have to carry you all the way there im not leaving without you" liam said in a stern voice that he only used with zayn which obviously was a big turn on for zayn.

"ye well then i hate to break it to you but im actually tired and would like to slee-" zayn was cut off by liam throwing zayn over his shoulder " leeeyuuuum get me down i swear i will-" zayn was cut of by a stinging sensation on his ass just then he realised liam spanked him and his buldge was growing.

liam laughed and chuckled all the way back to the apartment while zayn started ranting on about how much he's gonna kill liam.

when they arrived in the apartment liam put zayn down and engulfed him in a very nice and warm hug,liam nuzzled his face into zayns neck and smelt the smell he grew to love " im sorry" liam said in a very low and meaningful voice. zayn stayed quiet for a little while " its alright next time ask me calmly" zayn said his voice now raspy from all the screaming, a few seconds later zayn felt something wet on his neck and thats when it hit him, liam is crying.

zayn pulled up liams face so now they where looking at each other, he wiped the tears from liams cheek then both of them made their way to the couch.

they then lied down on the couch liam being the big spoon and zayn being the small spoon.

liam was playing with zayns hair while zayn was drifting away, "zayn?" liam asked quietly zayn didn't say anything, " god zayn i dont know what your doing too me" liam said caressing zayns bottom lip with his thumb.

" you make me wanna kiss you mate and other stuff but its not right i have a girlfriend" liam spoke so lowly that zayn almost didn't even catch it. for some reason that bought a stampede of butterflies in zayns stomach and he was debating on whether he should say something or not.

why not? zayn said smirking as he got up and...

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