Chapter 8

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Someone held Pia by her arm, pushed her towards themselves and slapped her. She was stunned. She went blank for a second, all she heard was Rishi screaming "Pia!" She then tried to look at the person, just as she brought her head towards her, she slapped her again. "Who are you and what are you doing!?" Rishi screamed, he got up and walked towards her in rage. Pia looked at her- Rishi pushed her away, "I am her mother!" She screamed!"No!! She's not my Mom! You are not!!" Pia screamed, this gathered a lot of people around them. Everybody at the park; the kids, the parents, everyone looked at them. 

"Pia! What the hell is this!? Why are you with him!? I asked you to stay away-" before she could finish Pia pushed her, Rishi got hold of her and asked her to stop. 

"Pia, don't hurt her!" "You are a disgrace! You are a misfortune to your family! Your Dad should have thrown you the day you were born! And how dare you push me! I'll kill you today!" She approached Pia, Rishi stepped forward and said "Aunty what's wrong!? Stop!! Don't do this!" She lifted her hand and was about to hit Pia again, Rishi turned towards her and shielded her, he got hit in the back, Pia on the other hand was scared, she hugged him and cried. "Just go from here! Why are you doing this!?" Rishi said, trying to stop her with one of his hands, the other, clenched to Pia. "You know what! Let your father be home! I'll make your life hell! You bloody piece of shit! I'll see you! Just wait and watch!" 

Pia's step mother proceeded to hit her once again, trying to push Rishi away, "Don't do this Aunty! Stop!!" Rishi tried to stop her, but she did not, he pushed her away and turned towards her, giving her a death stare. "Just stop it! Enough of you! You can't hit her!" He screamed! A tear dropping off his eyes, he too was scared. "I'll see you!" She said and left. 


Rishi turned back to see scared Pia, drenched in tears, she was sobbing and was breathless. He was scared; scared for her, his heart ached; it ached for his little angel, he wanted to say something, but no words escaped his mouth. He held her between his hands, tried his best to bring out some voice, but he felt choked. Witnessing Pia breakdown in his arms was a nightmare to him. "P... Pi.. Pia.. Pia.." He stumbled, he tried to control himself, but could not, Pia's sobs were loud, loud enough to break his heart. The wet tears, falling on his t-shirt, were wet enough to drench him in grief. "Pia.. Pia.. P..." He then decided to surrender. He hugged her and cried, he hugged her tightly, wanting to never let go off. He then kissed her head gently, Pia looked up, straight into his eyes. He then wiped off her tears, and placed the strands of hair, which were scattered on her face, behind her ear. Both of them then went near a tree. They sat down, and Rishi handed Pia a water bottle, she drank some water and sat there, lost. 

"What was this Pia? Who is she? You said she's not your mother, but she claimed to be so. Pia.. what is this going on, please tell me!" Rishi said, sitting beside her on the bench. "I am sorry Rishi, I hid this from you. She's not my Mother, My mother died when I was 6." "What!? How?" "She had an accident, she was hit by a truck." A few tear drops fell on her cheeks, he placed his hand over hers and rubbed them, wiping off her tears he asked, "Who's she?" "She's my step mother, my Dad married her after 5 years of my Mother's death, he did so, just to give me a mother, but what  I actually got was an evil witch! She never cared for me Rishi, she is always trying to find ways to ruin my life! I.. I.. I was so happy! I was so happy to be with you! But she.. she just could not bear it!" 


"She asked me to stay away from you! Just because you belonged to a middle class family! She provoked my Dad to hit me. Remember, when I said that I went shopping? I did not go anywhere Rishi! My Dad slapped me! For the first time in my life, just because of her! She.. she provoked him!I hate her.. I hate her Rishi.. I hate her so much! Dad forgot Mom.. he forgot everything! Rishi.. Ri.. Rishi.. I hate her!" Pia's voice broke and a stream of tears flooded her eyes, she felt weak, she felt physical pain, a pain so deep and unbearable, she fell in his arms. She clenched his t-shirt as tight as she could, pulling him closer, wanting to cry her soul out, wanting to drain out all the pain she had buried in her heart for so long.

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