Sandboy Pt. 2 (The End)

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Finally arriving at the school, Chat went to find Ladybug, hoping she's ok. That's when he saw a transformed Marinette crouched, hidden by a stairway on the roof. Her kwami was comforting her. Whatever and whoever this guy is must've really hurt her. But it didn't make sense that he looked exactly like him, but blue eyes and a white suit and hair.

He rushed over to Marinette to comfort her. As much as he wanted to ask about earlier, about what she said and if she really meant it, he couldn't. Chat needed to know who this guy was and how they could defeat him.

"Marinette, hey it's ok, I'm here..." he told her as he grabbed her hands with his, causing her to look up at him, "... who is this guy, and how do we defeat him?". Marinette didn't know what to say. This was something she had been avoiding for a very long time, pushing it back way into her mind where she'd never think about it again. But of course that wasn't the reality, and this was the one thing that truly shook her to her core.

As she looked back at Chat, she gathered up the confidence to tell him the story, tears forming in her eyes. Before she began talking, Chat used his hand to wipe the tears from her eyes, hating to see Marinette in so much pain. "His name, is Chat Blanc, and he's you, from an alternate timeline..." Marinette began talking. Chat Noir was in complete shock, how had he never heard of this, how could that thing be him? "You see, apparently I did something, causing you to figure out my identity. I'm not sure what it was, or what lead to this, but because of..." she stopped, scared to say it out loud.

Even if Chat wasn't really understanding how all this happened, he needed to let her know that he will always be there for her. "It's ok, you can tell me" Chat said encouraging her to go on.

"... well, you became akumatized, and the one thing you said to me over and over was, It was our love that did this to the world" she said, finally telling someone, after all that time.

All Chat heard was, 'our love'. Were him and Marinette dating? The thought gave him hope, but he quickly came back to reality, wrapping Marinette in his arms, letting her tears fall. He couldn't even imagine how she's had to live with this for so long, without telling anyone. He never wanted her to feel alone any longer.

"I'm so sorry, if there was something I could've done, or..."

"Don't feel bad Kitty, it wasn't your fault" she said to him, a remnant of a smile appearing on her face.

"...well, then let's stop him. Any ideas M'lady?" Chat said, while standing up, and lending a hand to help her up as well.

Marinette did have an idea, but she for sure didn't like it, and there's no way Chat would let her. "I do have one idea, but you have to trust me on this. I need to distract him, and you have to be the one to break Sandmans akumatized object" she told him.

The minute she said her idea, Chat yelled back, "No way! I'm not leaving you alone with him!". There was absolutely no chance that he wanted them being alone together. Thinking about earlier, the way he came onto her, there was just no way.

Marinette knew he'd react this way, so she told him, "Look, we need to keep him distracted, because he is way too powerful to fend off while he's attacking. So if I can play along with whatever it is he wants, you'll have enough time to grab the akuma. I don't see any other way" she finished, looking down, knowing she didn't like the idea either. But Mairnette saw no other way, he was way too powerful to face. All of Paris would fall.

Chat heard her out, but still doesn't want to go through with the plan. There had to be another way to avoid leaving them alone, there just had to be. But if he's got her this scared, then maybe there really isn't any other way.

Knowing that she was going to be confronting an alternate version of himself scared him. If he was anything like himself, which he was, then that would mean he'd do absolutely anything it took to be with Marinette, especially if he has no filter. "Fine, but if we're doing this, you need to be in eye distance of me the whole time I'm fighting Sandman, ok?".

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