Chapter 4: Unveiling

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She didn't know why she took on Rosalyn.

Maybe it was the way the young woman looked at her, in complete awe and admiration.

Or her forest green eyes, so serene yet daring to do something reckless.

Or the way she stood nervously.

Either way, Valeria loved the quiet ones. Not the overtly shy ones that never seem to want adventure and stick to their old ways. No. She liked the quiet ones who were waiting to blossom into who they really were. They just needed someone to push them in the right direction.

Valeria was that person. She was their mentor in how to love, and when to love. She shaped these people into newer and more confident versions of themselves. That's what really got them their future partner.

Deep down, everyone has the same desires - to be understood by one person who gets it more than anyone else. The issue is, people don't open up. So, Valeria prodded them until they were willing to be vulnerable. And of course, add in a dash of chemistry and sexual tension, and there you have it.

Both entered quietly into Valeria's office. It had a darker atmosphere in comparison to the rest of the place. Not ominous, no, but definitely seductive. The furniture was all black and the room smelt like sandalwood and musk. It heightened Rosalyn's senses and made her never want to leave the place.

Valeria ushered Rosalyn to sit across from her desk and she pulled out a tablet to begin taking notes. Even the chairs for guests were luxurious - single seat velvet chaises.

"Well now then my dear, welcome to my office. I'm Dr. Valeria Holloway, as you might have guessed by now." Valeria pulled out her dark framed glasses from her desk drawer, and looked at Rosalyn through the top as she put them on. "I'm looking forward to the next chapter in our lives as we navigate what you want in a soulmate."

"Thank you ma'am." Rosalyn blushed and tried to avoid eye contact. Valeria's eyes seemed like they were looking into her soul and trying to figure out all her faults and secrets. "Why me?"


"Why pick me to be the lucky winner? Do I really seem that broke? "

"That's not why I chose you." Valeria leaned over a bit, her bosom coming more into Rosalyn's view. She didn't know whether Valeria did it on purpose or was simply trying to get her point across. Rosalyn gulped.

"I chose you because you need something new in life. Something exciting. You've been far too lonely and stressed, haven't you? People don't come to these services unless they've exhausted all their options. In-person. Apps." Valeria said matter-of-factly. She leaned back into her chair.

"You, on the other hand, are young and don't live a lifestyle where every person you meet could potentially double-cross you. That's why I have many celebrities who come to me." Rosalyn's mouth fell open.

"You mean, you've set celebrities up on dates?"

"Too many to count." Valeria sighed. "The point is, you're different. Now, why are you really here? Why not Tinder, or something else?" 

Valeria noticed that Rosalyn's mood shifted. She seemed to be so far away in her thoughts - a mix of vengeance and fear.

"Did someone break your heart?" Valeria asked as she realized this was not an easy question for her. Rosalyn looked up and looked straight in Valeria's eyes for the first time. Anticipating fierceness, she only saw compassion and concern. She too had been broken before.

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