Chapter 8: Mistakes

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For a moment, Valeria forgot how to breathe. It was like the air in her lungs were sucked out, and the only way to breathe was by kissing Rosalyn. The women embraced each other as they feverishly kissed under the lamplight.

Numbness. Bliss. It was all they felt.

Rosalyn had wrapped her arms around Valeria's neck and pulled her closer. Valeria had pinned her against the lamppost - their bodies clinging to each other.

However, the passionate moment abruptly came to an end. A car driving by, honked at them. Whether they did so out of annoyance or encouragement, it startled the women nonetheless.

Valeria was the first to pull away. Both were gasping for air, and their lips numb from their kisses.

"No. We can't." Valeria's eyes hardened. She shoved Rosalyn aside and made her way back to her car. She couldn't stand to see Rosalyn at the moment.

She had to remain professional and couldn't get her feelings involved in this.


Valeria ignored her and dashed across the street. Rosalyn ran after her.

"No no no! Stop. Why do you run from this?" Rosalyn grabbed both of Valeria's arms, forcing her to turn.

Rosalyn out of breath, stood as defiantly as she could before Valeria. She was still almost a head shorter than Valeria in heels but that didn't matter in the moment - she was a lioness who wanted things to be her way for once.

Valeria looked at her coldly and smirked. She couldn't and wouldn't let her emotions get in the way. She didn't fall in love. She didn't love - period. Not now, not ever.

"What? You think you're something special, huh? That was a test sweetheart, and you failed." Valeria even amazed herself coming up with the lie but now she had to stick with it. She'd say anything right now to get away from Rosalyn right now.

Rosalyn looked at her confused.

"Oh right, I didn't tell you? The loyalty test. To see how quickly you can fall for someone who shows you even a little bit of attention. What do you think Alaina would say?"

Perfect. Rosalyn believed her.

Rosalyn paled and let go of Valeria, feeling more nauseated than before. Her head spun with questions. How could she have been so stupid?

"Meet me at my office next Saturday. We have things to chat about."

And with that, Valeria stepped aside and got into her car, leaving Rosalyn standing there in the street.


The next day was excruciating. Valeria had a headache, and was agitated. She was already intimidating enough in front of her staff but today she was being extra snappy.

"What is up with you today?" Anastasia had enough and slammed a stack of files on Valeria's desk.

"Hmm, I don't know what you're talking about?" Valeria said nonchalantly, and continued typing on her laptop. She looked at her friend through the top of her glasses just for a second, before continuing typing.

"Shut the fuck up Val. It's Rosalyn, isn't it?"

Damn. Anastasia knew her too well.

"What does it matter who it is? Hmm? The staff should just be hanging around and laughing like idiots."

"They were on their break for God's sake Valeria." Anastasia snatched her friend's laptop from her desk, and closed it before putting it on the sofa.

"What do you want, Ana?" Valeria sighed and placed her glasses on the table.

"Just ask her out! Stop pushing good people away."

"I don't push you away." Valeria pouted.

"Yeah, because who else is going to put up with your crazy ass?"

Valeria smirked and got up to sit with her friend on her office couch. Ana took both of Valeria's hands and squeezed them.

"She's good for you, Val." Anastasia looked at her friend with concern and hope. She always worried about Valeria with everything that she went through but she had to stop running. No one was chasing her anymore.

Valeria had a distant gaze. "She's my client, I can't."

"Just cancel the contract."

"She has to do that, I can't do it on her behalf as she hasn't done anything wrong that would cause a problem for her date."

"Give her a chance Val. Please. I'm tired of seeing you bury yourself in work or in random women to take away the pain."

Valeria became emotional and didn't want to say anything in case she started crying. She nodded and gave her friend a hug.

"Thank you, Ana. I'll try, ok? Just not now, she just started talking to Alaina. 5 dates and then she can decide and if she doesn't want Alaina, I'll ask her out."

Anastasia squealed with joy and sprung up.

"Aw, my bestie does have a heart!!!"

Valeria rolled her eyes. Her stone cold grey orbs were back.


With that Anastasia took her leave, giving her friend one last hug before going.

Author's note:

Hi friends, I'm back! Sorry, I got caught up with writer's block and exams but I hope to upload more frequently. I'm trying to figure out how I want to proceed with the story but I have a juicy idea now..

On a side note, I'm also writing a book set in the early 1900s about a woman who comes across the Amazonian civilization and falls in love with one of the Amazon women. It also features intersex/gp women so if you're into that, please check it out on my page!

Thanks lovelies,


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