Chapter 6: Planning

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Today was not her day. Rosalyn sat in her microbiology lecture and dozed off as usual. Her professor was an old man with an Australian accent - he was nice but his lectures were boring. She sat in the back most mornings so she could scroll on her phone without being noticed. It's not like she learned anything in lecture. She'd have to go home and focus in order to understand.

Usually she scrolled aimlessly on apps, but she got a text that she wasn't expecting. It was Valeria.

I found a girl who you'd match up with well. Are you free to come in today?

Rosalyn gulped and her heartbeat rose. Why was she getting nervous? Rosalyn chided herself. Was it because of Valeria or because she actually got a match?

Yes. I'm in class now. I'll be done by 2pm.

She waited anxiously for the typing bubble.

See you then.

Rosalyn made her way to Valeria's office after all her classes. Her back hurt slightly because her bag was full with her lab coat and other things. Rosalyn's body ached with fatigue. It was midterm season and having this stress on her plate wasn't exactly the best. Nonetheless, she wanted to try and maybe this would work out for her.

Ahah, maybe I can meet a rich sugar mommy and not have to go to grad school. Rosalyn scoffed at herself. As if that would ever happen to a woman like her. People like her worked for hours in academia and then still wouldn't be able to afford the luxuries in life. She'd maybe have a Subaru at best and be able to afford one vacation a year. Maybe spent less than 20 years on a down payment of a house. Maybe.

And of course - she looked like a rat compared to everyone else. Valeria's assistant - immaculate as usual. Some of her employees who were walking around - absolutely gorgeous. The office seemed livelier than usual and the sun was coming in through the windows, creating a cozy atmosphere. There was something about being hundreds of feet above ground that made it magical to work. You could just gaze out the window and lose yourself in your thoughts.

Upon arrival, Rosalyn timidly walked up to Valeria's secretary. Before she could speak, the other woman spoke.

"Ah yes, Ms. Lamont. Welcome back." Anastasia stood up and cheerfully greeted Rosalyn. A bit too happy. "Feel free to make your way to Dr. Holloway's office. She's expecting you."

Rosalyn nodded, gulped, and turned around. She couldn't stare at Anastasia for any longer. She looked so pristine and heavenly, and smelt like some fancy Gucci perfume or whatever. The point is, she smelt rich. And it was tantalizing. These were the type of women who she didn't know if she wanted to be them or be with them.

She walked down the hallway, her nerves on edge. Breathe Rosalyn. You're fine. It's only pretty women. If she wasn't a mess already, seeing Dr. Holloway made her feel a whole 'nother level of flushed.

Her highness opened the door and she smelt the familiar scent of her office once again. The smell she didn't know she missed until now. Dr. Holloway, not to Rosalyn's surprise, looked like a goddess. She wore a matching white blazer and dress pants, with a cream coloured bralette top. She had a few layered gold necklaces and stud diamond earrings on. Her outfit seemed more feminine today - quite dainty even. However, her expression was anything but soft and submissive. It was calm but proud - like a humble ancient ruler, emanating an aura of prestige and sophistication.

Valeria stared intently at Rosalyn with a slight hint of amusement. She expected Rosalyn to be nervous - Valeria liked when she had that effect on women.

"Welcome dear, please - come on in." Valeria ushered her inside. She led Rosayn to her desk. It had not even a single paper out of place - everything was lined up.

Rosalyn plopped her backpack and jacket down beside her chair. Valeria raised her eyebrow, before sitting down and scrolling on her laptop. Rosalyn stretched her back and sighed as she sat down. Carrying those books around the city was not fun.

"Tired?" Valeria drawled.

"Yeah.. I have a few textbooks in there. I guess profs are really out to make us old with arthritis, huh? Getting revenge maybe." Valeria chuckled. Her laugh was so soft and beautiful. Her perfect teeth gleamed. Rosalyn felt her tummy flip a bit at the sight.

"I suppose they are. Well, Ms. Lamont, I have wonderful news. I found you a match and I think you'll do well with her." Valeria didn't smile or seemed too excited about the match, but Rosalyn just assumed it was because she did this everyday. It probably isn't too exciting for her anymore, and it's not like she's a celebrity that she's coupling someone with.

"Her name is Alaina Dimitrescu. She's 25, a recent software engineering graduate from Yale. She loves the outdoors, hiking, is feminine like you prefer. Loves makeup. She's more extroverted than you but she is a good listener and attentive." Valeria explained. She then turned around her laptop and showed Rosalyn her picture.

"Wow. She seems pretty..." Rosalyn whispered. Alaina had dark brown hair, slightly wavy and piercing blue eyes. Her vampire-like teeth made her seem like some modern-day vampire. She had a domineering aura but also a bit soft. Compared to Valeria, much more soft.

Wait. Why am I comparing her to Valeria? Stop.

"How do you know she's good for me?"

"Well love, I can tell you like the dominant, feminine types. Those who look like they should be modelling but are wickedly smart. Educated. Looks aren't the only thing that matters to you, but you look for ambition and knowledge. You want someone who you can talk to about the stars, philosophy, your darkest fears... but still have a good time, if you know what I mean, dear." Valeria winked.

"Am I correct?" Valeria looked at Rosalyn expectantly. Rosalyn blushed and chuckled.

"Haha, you aren't wrong." Two can play this game.

"Right. So. I will set up a date for the both of you. You don't have to worry, I'll be there in the background, at least for the first few dates. This way I can help intervene and steer the conversation if things aren't going so well."

"Does it ever help?"

"You'll be surprised. So many people want to strangle their date on the first day but it's mostly due to misunderstanding. We're quick to assume things and it makes it difficult to want to commit."

"That makes sense... what do you want me to do to prepare?"

Valeria smirked slyly. "Get out your prettiest dress, darling. You'll be dining at one of the best restaurants in the city."

Valeria looked Rosalyn up and down slowly, her eyes glazing over the younger woman's soft curves. She was wondering how Rosalyn would look in a slinky right dress. Mature and enticing. Rosalyn had a youthfulness to her daily look but Valeria knew that with the right clothes and makeup, her model-like features would pop beautifully.

She felt herself getting hard at her thoughts. Valeria cursed herself. She was losing control in Rosalyn's presence. Not now.

Rosalyn thought deeply about what she was going to wear. She'd have to go shopping, she didn't have anything for nice occasions like that.

"When is it?"

"Saturday night. I'll come pick you up."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that!"

Valeria smirked and got up from her desk. Both women made their way to the door since it was clear there wasn't anything else to discuss.

"So you'd rather have man hounds look at you like meat on the subway, as you made your way there? In a fancy dress?"

Shoot. Rosalyn hadn't thought of that. But she didn't want Valeria to know where she lived. Before she could protest, Valeria seemed to have read her thoughts.

"Don't worry Ms. Lamont. I'm not there to judge you on where you live. I was a college student once too." Valeria whispered softly as she placed her hand on Rosalyn's shoulder and down her spine. Her touch was electrifying and Rosalyn's face turned red.

"Okay Dr. Holloway. See you Saturday."

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