Character Info & Synopsis

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Name: Saga Chawla-Toshinori; she prefers to be called by her mother's maiden name than her father's surname

Pronouns: she/her; she honestly doesn't care really... though she will express offense if someone calls her "sir," even if it is on accident

Age: 7; then 14-15 (will be a timeskip)

Quirk: None

Occupation(s): Leader of the Sinnoh Clan; Seamstress/Outfitter; Hisui Hashira/Sinnoh Pillar

Power(s): Elemental Plates- Has shards of Arceus's elemental plates implemented into her body, allowing her to channel that power into her nichirin sword, thus utilizing her own Breathing Style: Sinnoh/Hisui; Adamant Crystal- Can manipulate time to her liking, whether she slows it down or speeds it up; Lustrous Globe- Can make her own pocket dimension to access and store an infinite amount of items and even living things if needed; Griseous Core- her most dangerous one yet; she can open a portal accessing Giratina's Reverse World; with it she can send someone there for "divine punishment" courtesy of her Giratina; Azure Flute- formerly the Celestica Flute; can summon any Pokemon, even Arceus to aid her in extreme case of emergency, depending on the song/tune she uses to summon any of them; Gracidea Flower- a flower encased in resin and fashioned into a hair accessory that she can use to restore a desolate and barren land to it's former glory; while it doesn't benefit her through cambat (unless the Meadow Plate is being utilized), it is a great help if someone is in need of a good harvest; and it can change her form to that she can have and use wings to fly especially if she is fighting whilst being airborne, like Shaymin when they change into their Sky Forme

Drawbacks: When using her Elemental Plates without proper training, overexertion can cause an array of drawbacks; for instance using the Splash Plate too much may flood her internal organs to flood with water, drowning her from within; using the Flame plate may cause her to run a high fever; the more complex or baffling ones like the Pixie Plate may cause lightheadedness and hallucinations or the Draco Plate may cause reptile scales to appear on her body temporarily; Thus far, there are no known drawbacks with the Adamant Crystal, Lustrous Globe, and Griseous Core. Same with the Gracidea Flower, aside from fatigue and possible nausea from using one or the other too many times in succession. Also when using her Breathing Styles, she can only do so much before she chances breaking her ribs or collapsing her lungs when using too many techniques in one go. You know, the typical drawbacks when ultilizing the Breathing techniques.

Likes: fashion; making medicine/poison from natural herbs; her Pokemon; her mother; music; traditional Japanese culture (i.e. food, clothing, dance, etc.); peace and quiet (probably the only reason why she gets along with Eraserhead so well); animals and plants in general (her favorite flowers being sakura blossoms and nadeshiko); her Clan (they are practically family to her)

Dislikes: her father; being ignored or brushed aside; skimpy clothing (even though she does make them upon request from her Pro heroine clients); Endeavor (the feeling is mutual as he perceives her as a wasteful existence thanks to her lacking a Quirk and doesn't want his children, Shoto specifically, to be associated with her in any shape or form); Midoriya (She gets annoyed easily by him and she harbors a resentment towards him as he was chosen to her father's successor instead of her after all of the effort she put in to get him to notice her, and the fact that he was Quirkless like her only makes matters worse); Mirio (she gets annoyed by his sunshine disposition rather easily); Tengen making passes at her to be his fourth wife; Kamado (those of you have played through Arceus you know why); Beni (ditto; not the Pokemon, mind you....)

Hobbies: making/mending clothes; coordinating outifts with Anthe; instant messaging on her Arc Phone; cooking (her specialty being curry of many forms and different cakes and treats for her Pokemon and her closest friends); making remedies/poisons; studying (her favorite subjects anyway); hanging out with the Clan (she becomes a big asset to Adaman and Irida along with the Survey Corps, if you ignore her blatant dislike for Kamado and Beni); completing survey research requests for her fellow Jubilife villagers; hanging out with Shinobu and Mitsuri at the Butterfly Mansion; working as one of Valerie's model furisode girls at her fashion/dance studio; working at the clan-run bathhouse; practicing her swordsman skills and martial arts at the clan dojo

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