Conflict Arises

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Third Person POV, Saga

It was a normal day as Saga had left the building of the public school she was more or less forced to go to because the idiot who claims to be her father insisted that being homeschooled was not the right path for her, despite her more than excellent grades from such. Even though she had not lived under the same roof as him, he still found ways to harass either her or her aunts that let her live with them. So in order to at least shut him up, she continued going to the school he more or less keep dumping her at ever since the conclusion of her mother's funeral. Though that never stopped Saga from becoming a problem child, as she often got into fights with other children, both her age and older, as they always picked on the Quirkless like the shitheads they are. And since she was no slouch in various forms of self-defense (plus the fact she can proficiently wield her dual katanas rather well for someone her age) she was the arguable victor in each battle she engaged in. At least the ones where the teachers didn't intervene in time...

Though what nobody knew at the time was that this was gonna be the last day she was going to attend this public school, making it the last public school she could go to given her expulsion record.

The school she attended to, one Aldera Junior High, was by far the shittiest one by far. Her father had long run out of the fancy private schools he kept sending her to as she had developed a track record for getting kicked out of them in record time. It came to the point that he sent her to the ones low on social food chain. The hallway lockers were dented, the kids have sucky attitudes, and the teachers and the principal are just as bad. While she was not the only Quirkless student, she didn't exactly let that bring her down. Rather, unlike the other resident Quirkless student, she makes her statements clear by both her words.... and her fists. Swords optional. She had tangled with the school's star student, a kid with an explosive Quirk she didn't bother remembering his name, and always bested him with just her bare hands. With Saga getting into fights with such a "promising future hero" she was on thin ice as suspending her wasn't doing anything and neither was detention as she always skipped out on it in favor for practicing her martial arts or her breathing techniques.

Today marked her fate when she came across a group of boys (ones she often seen hanging around that explosive kid) were gathered around something, or rather someone, with sticks, beating them.

Upon closer inspection, Saga's curiosity turned to shock and rage as she saw who they were beating up. A sickly kid with green hair and slightly oversized clothes was hunched over on the ground, almost as if they were protecting something from the bullies' blows.

She recognized the kid as she sees him a lot in the nurse's office when she is brought in after having a brawl with one of the other students so they got to know each other, making him her only friend and vice versa

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She recognized the kid as she sees him a lot in the nurse's office when she is brought in after having a brawl with one of the other students so they got to know each other, making him her only friend and vice versa. His name is Wally, a foreigner that transferred to the school around the same time as Saga did. She also knows he doesn't have the best constitution, as he often got sick and was absent from school. She never knew if it was because of a Quirk he had or it was something else. He revealed to her it was a condition he was diagnosed with. She didn't know the finer details; regardless, they formed a bond of sorts, agreeing on certain things like how society in general sucks. She even showed him her friends that Arceus gave her and he was instantly intrigued, saying his parents and grandfather had creatures similar to them. He also showed her a smaller-than-average male Ralts he was taking care of on the sly outside the school grounds.

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