Chapter 1: Where are we?

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???'s Pov

Hopes Peak Academy, a school for the best of the best, but somehow I got into
the school despite not being an "ultimate"... My name is Giorno Giovanna, I don't have an ultimate talent the only way I go into this school was the reserve course.

Giorno's Pov


I walk over towards the school it was my first day at Hopes Peak, I took a deep breath and looked at the school...I suddenly felt light-headed and my vision got blurry " What the-?"

I was slowly losing my thought of train- I mean train of thought, I fell onto the ground and then I fell unconscious.


I woke up to someone shaking me awake "Hey, hey, hey! You awake?"

I took my head off the desk and turned to look at him"Yes, I'm awake.." "Well do you know how we got here?" "No.."

I answered "Dammit!-" He slammed his fist against the desk causing me to flinch a bit "I've been trying to ask everyone that's awake how did we all get into this classroom but everyone doesn't know."

I couldn't really pick out what he was saying because it was blocked out by other people panicking and a blue-haired person kicking the wall and yelling "LET ME THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" "Attention my lovely students."

An anonymous voice announced, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the talking post, suddenly a weird-looking rabbit appeared "Now before you all ask any questions I'm you magical girl teacher Usami aka Usami."

The whole class was in shock "...So you're the one who locked us up in this class...I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS YOU WORTHLESS RABBIT!"

The blue-haired person shouted while lunging at Usami, a few of the others held him back from Usami "Now we don't know it kidnapped all of us here."

A black-haired kid said while they were about to lean on the wall "Ow, What the hell?!"

The wall they were leaning on collapsed and then the other walls collapsed like cardboard, Me and the others started bombarding Usami with questions like "What's going on?" Or "Why are we on an island?"
"Ok, ok you're all on an island for a fun vacation." "That still doesn't explain how we got here."

A green-haired person that looked like a doctor told Usami "Don't worry about it, maybe all of you should introduce yourself and reveal your ultimate talents so you can know each other better."

Usami encouraged, everyone looked at each other and back Usami but she was gone.


Word count: 431

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