Dead Or Maybe Not?

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Rok soo felt pain engulf his body, making him close his eyes and clench his teeth repeating to himself that he was fine.

He was fine, he was okay and it would never happen again.

He felt his breath slow down and himself calming as he repeated the words that he had uttered to himself his entire life.

At least he had been able to save a life instead of his which was worthless, unlike before where he was nothing but a mere spectator as he watched the people he loved as his family fall down before the monsters like flies, either being torn apart by debris or by the claws of the monster. He wanted to rip it into shreds were he ever to face it.

Maybe now he would be able to rest peacefully, after all the pain he had been through, each and everyone he had been with had left him making to him false promises which were kept on repeating itself in his head when they were no more with him.

He felt the pain ebb away from his body as he let a light smile grace his features and opened his eyes to find himself in complete darkness.

Suddenly feeling a pressure in the air which made him choke Rok soo opened his eyes and flinched when he came face to face with those of deep red ones which held hatred and despair.

Feeling the despair the being radiated Rok soo slightly shivered as it further widened its face or maybe what Rok soo thought it was the face into a wicked grin.

He tried to stop his trembling, feeling as if he was a prey to be hunted, as he stared back into the eyes tinted deep red.

 It felt as if the being was mocking him and seeing right through him.

Suppressing the fear that was surging through him Rok soo asked," Where am I?"

To his utmost satisfaction, his voice stayed firmed as he voiced out his question to the being, or monster- whatever it was.

But his query only seemed to slightly amuse the being who scrutinized him once more before uttering a  laughter which chilled him to the bones.

"Haa indeed you are quite amusing" it said making Rok soo glare at the eyes.

'Great was he going to be toyed with whatever it was in front of him? Damn it why won't anyone let him rest?'

As Rok soo was lost in his thoughts the being continued.

"You'll do , one sacrifice might not be enough. You might have faced even more despair than the other child so I will accept both of you... hmmm but I think you will be fighting on the side with those humans"

"That will be troublesome"

Rok soo just stared at the being, his stoic façade totally gone due to the frustration he was feeling now.

He didn't have a clue where he was.

All he had been doing that day was taking a trip to his dead hyung's grave and fighting off a monster which had appeared unexpectedly.

But it had started attacking the civilians and while he had been saving some civilians he happened to get a fatal wound from it but not before he used instant and killed the monster with the help of some ability users who were nearby so that the people would be okay.

Maybe that was why he was having this insane.... dream.

Haa of course that must be it.

He had probably gone bonkers after using instant and getting the wound from the monster right through his heart.

Right there could be no other explanation to what was happening now.

Nodding to himself he pinched himself harshly sure that he would not feel any pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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