Just Like A Star

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"Bella, love it's time to get up" Edward said.

"Go the away" I told him.

"Love you have to get up and eat something" he said as he pulled the cover off.

"I'm not hungry in fact I'm tired, so just go downstairs and leave me the fuck alone" you know he is really starting to irritate me.

"Love, that is know way for a lady to talk, and besides Esme made you pancakes"

"Edward I am only going to say this one time" I said as I tried not to rip his head off, "I want to be left alone so I can mourn on this day like I always do so Leave....Me.....The Fuck....Alone"

"Bella you have no reason to mourn, now stop being stubborn and get up" he said as he pulled the covers off.

And then I snapped, I took the metal baseball bat I had under the bed and (to keep up the charade) started to beat on him with it. When he finally left the room I growled and said "Do not come in this room at all today just leave me alone"

He thought I was kidding so when he thought I calmed down he came back, and I beat him again. So he decided to send Esme, I beat her, so they sent Carlisle, beat him, and when he sent Alice, I nearly killed her, finally they left me alone.

*Five Hours Later*

There was a knock on the door, but not just any knock, it was the knock me and Rose set up for this day. I opened the door and Rose was outside waiting with open arms, I fell in them and just cried and cried

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