Not So Great Ayato x Reader

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I do not own Diabolik Lovers or the characters. They belong to the Rejet company. This is purely fanmade.


I was walking through the mansion, trying to hide from the Sakamaki brothers, or as I liked to call them, the sadistic brothers. They would do everything to cause me pain; whether it be physical or emotional. I had managed to hide for almost a week now and I was pretty proud of myself. Now all I had to do is get out and go home so I can check up on mom-

My thoughts stopped as someone's arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to whoever it was. My back was now pressed against his chest and I knew I was caught. Question is; which of the six was it?

I felt his breath tingle on the bare skin of my neck. I couldn't help but tense up as he pressed his lips to my neck, his fangs grazing against the tender flesh. "You know, (F/N), it isn't very nice to run from ore-sama." He mutteted.

"A-Ayato..." I began, but stopped as he plunged his fangs into my neck. I let out a horrified scream, but was stopped short as his hand covered my mouth.

It lasted for what felt like forever until he released me. He didn't take enough to make me light headed, but it was enough to make my vision blur. I tried to push away but his arm was still around my waist. "Don't struggle. You should feel honoured that yours truly wants your measly blood." He whispered near my ear.

I put my hand on his arm and dug my nails into his skin. That got him to let go. I turned to face him, a scowl clear on my face. "Listen, you pathetic excuse of a vampire. You are not so great, so stop acting like it. Also, stop using me for blood; I don't like it."

His smirk dropped and he moved faster than my eyes could follow. I was soon pinned between him and the wall, his hands on either side of my head. "Do not talk to me like that Chichinasi. Yours truly does not take kind to his food talking back. I am great and you should feel honored to be my food source."

"Honored? Why should I feel honored to be the food source when I'm trapped here?" I asked, my anger rising. "Why should I feel honored about not being able to see my mother, who, by the way, is dying because of some disease that I don't know because I haven't been able to talk to her. Tell me, what makes you so great that you think you're better than everyone else? Better than those who actually work for what they have? You are nothing but a conceited brat who knows nothing about hardships or a difficult life because daddy gave you everything."

The shock I saw on his face was priceless. His arms dropped and he backed up, allowing me to leave. I don't know if I went too far or not, but right now, I don't care. Someone had to tell him off and it's obvious his brothers wouldn't.

~A few weeks later~

I sat on my bed, my knees pulled to my chest and my head buried in my hands. I had been crying like a child for the past three days, and I knew I had to stop, but how could I? I had finally made it out of this cursed house long enough to see my mother laying on her death bed, already gone from this world.

The Sakamaki siblings had tried to remove me from my room, but I wouldn't budge. The five of them were starting to get angry and gave up. And yes, you heard me right. Five of them. Ayato hadn't shown up once, even though it was his nature to come by by now to force my blood from my body. I was starting to worry, but that was pushed to the back of my mind as the memory of my mother came rushing back.

It was noon, or midnight for the vampires of the world, and I was unable to sleep. I tried to keep quite so I wouldn't anger any of them. I didn't want bruises to add to my pain. I thought it was fine until someone knocked on my door. Shit.

"Go away! I don't want to see any of you right now!"

The door opened anyway. I groaned and buried my head in my knees so I wouldn't have to look at him. I was expecting a lecture or another feeble attempt to get me out of my room, but that isn't what happened.

After I heard the door shut, the bed groaned under their weight. I was about to ask what they wanted but was stopped short when I was wrapped into a hug. I knew my tears stopped, so I was thankful for whoever it was, but I still wanted them to let go. I didn't want pity from a vampire.

"Please let go." I whispered, my voice cracking. I cringed at the sound of it. My throat must have been raw because of the non-stop crying these last three days.

"I'm sorry (F/N). I didn't mean to make you so mad." I stiffened. It was Ayato. "I get I'm not as great as I act, but please understand it makes me feel better. But I'll stop if it'll make you least for a minute."

I was taken aback. I didn't expect this from Ayato. But I smiled and hugged him back, feeling my eyes finally dry. "What's this? Ayato, I don't know why, but you seem so uncool right now. I don't like it."

I heard him hold back a laugh as he pressed his head into my neck. "Oh?" He asked, his cockiness returning. "Does that mean that you'll obey whatever Ore-sama tells you?"

I felt a smile grace my lips and I had to make sure he didn't see it. "Now why would I do that? You're just a conceited vampire. I have no reason to listen to you."

His fangs grazed across my neck, making me flinch. "Now now Pancake, don't make me have to punish you for talking back to yours truly." He bit down. Hard. I cried out in pain, but he didn't care. The last thing I remembered before the darkness took over was him laying me back in bed and kissing my forehead before the door clicked shut.

That cocky bastard doesn't hold back whenever he wants something...but I guess that's a good thing in it's own way.

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