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As the days passed, I've started to stop avoiding Ayato. He seemed somewhat pleased by this, though I'm sure it's because that meant more opportunities to take the lifeblood in my veins. I did my best to fight it, though I found myself giving him less of a fight than usual. Cursed growing feelings getting in the way of stupid logic. I let out a sigh as I sorted through my notes for the next class, arranging them in order before putting them back in my notebook. I kept my work sheet out, since it was due today, and that seemed to draw those of my class closer to me.
"Hey (L/N), mind if we copy your homework?" A girl with straight, shoulder length brown hair asked, her bright green eyes pleading. Her name was Hamaki Hui, I believe. "I was busy with my job yesterday and didn't have time."
"I didn't understand it and didn't get it done when I put it off." A boy, who I believed was Yui's twin, asked, his equally bright green eyes showing the start of tears. His name was Hamaki Yuu, if I'm remembering correctly.
I could only sigh, closing my eyes and rubbing the bridge of my nose. "I suppose, but you shouldn't let your work dominate over your other priorities." I said, giving a soft glare towards the two. "And if you had questions, you could have asked. You had a week to do so."
"I know, but I was afraid you'd get mad or were too busy." Yuu said, an embarrassed blush covering his features. "You were occupied with your mother right? Sorry for your loss, by the way."
"Yeah, we were so shocked when teacher told us." Yui added, her eyes now downcast. "We thought you would be out longer than a day, in all honesty."
My glare turned into a soft, sad smile. They knew, and didn't press it. They were good kids. Everyone in my class were, if they all knew. Everyone was watching too. Guess they were all curious. "Yeah, I'm fine. Couldn't let it hit too hard since I have to take care of all of you." I said, brightening my smile. "Besides, Reiji wouldn't have allowed it."
The twins just seemed to glare at me. They didn't like that answer. "Well, Reiji-senpai can just go burn in the sun." Yui growled, crossing her arms. "He doesn't understand the deep sadness of a lost loved one."
"No, it's more primal than that, dear sister." Yuu said, tsking at his twin. "He doesn't understand human emotions."
"Oh, and the both of you do?" I asked, a playful smile crossing my lips. I saw them jump before smiling themselves. "It's just how you vampires are. You can try and understand, which I'm grateful for, but you can't truly understand." I added, taking both of their hands and giving them a light squeeze. "Now, I'd get to copying that work before class starts."
They gave closed lipped smiles before taking the answer sheet from my hand. They walked away, talking in hushed whispers as I went back to my notes, skimming through them until the bell rang and the teacher came in. I started the greeting and class began. I took notes as I watched the twins sneak in copying the answers. It made me chuckle, knowing that the skill had come with months of practice.
As class ended, they came back and sat around my desk. A few others joined and I felt normal again. No thoughts of Ayato or the brothers. Not even of my mother, whom had never really left my thoughts. It felt like everything was right in the world, for the first time in a long while. The day passed like that, studying and chatting with those in my class. I was truly happy for the first time since my mother's passing.
When the last bell rang, I gathered my things and was about to leave when Yuu grabbed hold of my arm. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked, an impish grin plastered on his face. This could not end well.
"The brothers should be waiting in the limo." I answered, barely able to shake off his arm. "And when I get home, I have homework to do before doing the chores I have neglected in my few days of grief."
"But we wanted to go out and have fun before the sun came up!" Yui whined, joining her brother's side. "You need some time to just unwind and relax!"
"Don't you need to get some rest before work? I don't want you stressing yourself out just to accompany me." I said softly, moving a piece of hair behind her ear. "And Yuu, you need to try to do your homework instead of putting it off."
They both pouted, but the expression on their faces showed they understood. "Alright....but on my day off tomorrow, can we have a study date?" Yui asked, her eyes pleading. "I'm seriously behind and you're my only hope!"
"Hey! That's not fair Yui! I need more help than you!" Yuu whined, glaring at his sister. "She should help me first."
"I can help you both. Just be prepared to walk to the mansion tomorrow because there is no way they'll let outsiders ride in the limo." I said with a sigh. I started towards the door again with a small wave. "I have to get going now, but I'll see you tomorrow."
"Thank you (L/N)-Sama!" They called out, milking any other sympathy I may give out. I only laughed as I hurried down the halls and out the door to the waiting limo.
I could tell they were all angry I was late, but not a word was said the whole drive there. I took that as a silent gift as I decided to get a head start on the homework so I had more time to do the chores I knew Reiji wouldn't have the patience to wait on me to do. I got halfway through when we arrived so I just put my notebooks away and did the assigned readings for my English class. I headed straight for my room where I finished the rest of the work, sighing at the completion.
After giving myself a half an hour of rest, I started the chores. First came the laundry, which would take the longest. I had to wash each brothers clothes separately or else they would throw a fit, so it was more tedious than anything else really. I started Shu's load first before heading downstairs. I had to make the main hall sparkled in case any of their guests arrived, though that hardly ever happened.
As I finished the mopping, I went back to the laundry room and switched the loads. Shu's was now in the dryer as Reiji's was now in the washer. I know I should probably air dry them, but that would take more time I really didn't have. I returned to the main hall and had just started polishing the wooden rails on the staircase leading up when I felt a cold presence behind me. Oh boy....they really couldn't hold off for one night?
I turned around to see who it was and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Ayato grinning down at me. Oh, so I wasn't expecting him...."Do you need something Ayato?" I asked, crossing my arms carefully so I didn't get the polish on my clothes. "I'm kinda in the middle of something that can't be interrupted."
"Ore-sama doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants." Was all he felt he needed to say before tilting my head to the side and biting with full force. He didn't even try to hold back as he took one deep gulp after another. I lost count of how many mouthfuls he took before he pulled away, my blood dripping from the corner of his lips. "As sweet as always." He smirked as he leaned in again, licking at the wound. I stiffened, making him chuckle before pulling away. He looked at me with the eyes of a predator stalking its prey before disappearing, leaving me dazed.
After standing there for what felt like an eternity, I snapped around and continued my work. I needed to control the fast pace of my heart, lest someone hear it and mistake its fast pace for something completely different than the love I had for the red head. Just had to...focus on my work. I continued polishing for another hour, constantly going back and forth between the laundry. Once both were done, I took the multiple baskets and started delivering each to their respective owners. I'd do my own as soon as I finished this.
As I dropped off Kanato's, I felt someone push me against the wall, resulting in the dropped clothes of Reiji and Laito. Oh, how they were going to kill me! I looked up with a hesitance that I rarely showed to find Ayato, once again staring at me with a hunger I was far too familiar seeing in the brothers. Guess he hadn't had enough.
He tilted my head to the side and, as I braced myself for the bite to come, something unexpected happened. He leaned in and kissed where he had bit before. I looked at him in shock, the gentle smile on his face making feel at even more of a loss. What was going on?
"I didn't take too much, did I?" He asked, his tone soft and, for once, not at all condescending. He cupped my face with one of his cold hands and his beautiful green eyes stared deeply into my own (E/C). He didn't make a move, just stared at me as if this was the first time he's seen me. He then leaned in, and as our lips grew closer, my eyes closed and found myself leaning up. We were so close that I could feel my breath hitting his lips just before-
The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped me back to what I was doing. I was leaning against the wall, the baskets of clothes on the carpeted floor; luckily they didn't seem to spill out when I had dropped them. I blinked a few times before I saw Reiji glaring at me from behind his glasses. Wait....where was Ayato?
"What do you think you are doing, spacing out in the middle of your chores?" The second son asked, looking at me with a look of disgust and anger. "You even went as far as dropping clean clothes onto the dusty, bacteria ridden floor. What goes through your seemingly empty head that made you think that was a smart decision?"
"Uh..." was all I could muster in my confused state. Did I just imagine what had happened? But...it had felt so real. Why was a day dreaming when I knew I would get punished for doing so? I still had thing to get done before I could even think about going to bed! "Sorry...." I finally managed as I picked up the remaining baskets.
"Sorry doesn't cut it. I will more than happily retrain you if you have forgotten the fundamentals for cleaning during your less than graceful and uncalled for demeanor the last few nights." Reiji started, his glare intensifying. "This is why humans are so useless, unable to keep even the smallest bit of information stored in those useless heads of yours."
I sighed before looking around. I wondered if he knew this would just eat into my time. Probably not, since he is Sakamaki Reiji, the all mighty know-it-all pureblood second son of the almighty- I stopped there. He had a tendency to figure out what I was thinking since my thoughts usually showed on my facial features. "Reiji, I really am sorry, but if you wouldn't mind?" I asked, lifting one of the baskets higher.
He only sighed before walking away. I let out a sigh of my own in relief before heading to the remaining two rooms. After that, I heading back to the laundry room to start my own load before heading to the kitchen. I'd make a quick dinner before starting to vacuum the next floor. There was no way I was getting the whole mansion done, and I still needed to clean my room before Yuu and Yui come over tomorrow.
As I thought over dinner options, I decided on just a simple salad with tomatoes, carrots, croutons, and an Italian dressing I'm sure I could make from scratch if there were none in the kitchen, which I doubted there would be. As I got started, my mind drifted back to earlier. Was it as simple as a day dream? I could usually tell when I had one. They also never felt that real. I hummed in slight annoyance as I cut the carrots quickly before moving on to the tomatoes. It was probably just a one time thing. Nothing to panic over.
I finished preparing everything and sat down to eat. I started thinking about which parts of the next floor I should start vacuuming first as I ate. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't felt the presence behind me before it was too late to protest of the biting of my neck. I had let out a sharp cry of pain as whomever it was took one gulp after another. Soon though, it ended and I turned to glare at whomever it was. I doubted it was very convincing since the purple haired boy only continued to smile his crazed smile.
"Teddy said he was getting hungry, so I took a bite." The mentally unstable boy chirped, holding the bear close to him. "He was getting impatient since we were interrupted earlier this evening."
I could only sigh again as I quickly finished my salad. I did not feel up to dealing with his psychotic bear logic. I also seemed to be sighing more often as of late. That couldn't mean anything good. "I have things to get done, so go bother someone else."
That set him off.  He appeared in front of me and pushed me to the tiled kitchen floor, the bowl shattering as it made contact. Glass was strewn everywhere and I was hesitant to move in case the now angry vampire boy decided to do something else. I could only dare glancing up to see him glaring at me, his only showing the insanity had taken over.
"Did you hear that Teddy?" He asked the bear, his gaze never leaving mine. "She can't bother with us. The human thinks she can tell us what to do." He reached a hand out, grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling me forward. Because of the sudden movement, I couldn't properly avoid contact with the glass-littered tiles, which resulted in both my knees being cut up. I winced in pain as he shook me around.
"K-Kanato, stop it! Please!" I gasped out, hoping that pleading would sate whatever mood he was in. I thought I could feel the hard shaking start to pull the roots of my hair out of my scalp.
"Stop? Why should I? You deserve this for being so needy!" He screeched, only shaking me harder. He had completely lost it, and I honestly feared for my life. I don't think I've ever seen him fall this deep. I felt tears burn the back of my eyes, and as they fell, Kanato burst into a fit of giggles. This caused his grip to loosen just enough for me to get away. I used his own insanity distracting him to escape from the kitchen and to my room. The rest of the chores could wait until he had calmed down.
After I locked my door, though I figured that would only result in angering the brothers, I headed straight for my closet where I kept a first aid kit at the ready. Never knew when you might need it when you lived vampires. I applied some medication to the cuts after making sure no glass had gotten imbedded in the flesh, then stuck the band aides over each cut. A simple fix that should be enough...unless another got ahold of me. Then, all I did was sit with my back to my wall, waiting for the anti pain medicine to kick in. I had dozed off, though, and was awoken to the sound of my bed groaning under too much wait.
I cracked my eyes open to see Ayato sitting on my bed, staring straight at me. He had the same condescending smirk as he watched me before moving in front of me. "You look so delicious when you curl yourself up like that." He whispered in my ear. I tensed as his lips moved from my ear to my neck, where he placed multiple kisses. I took me by surprise and my muscles relaxed as he continued his ministrations.
I don't know how long this went on for before he traveled downwards to my knees, where he removed the band aides in a flash. He pressed kisses upon both cuts before licking away the still pooling blood. I felt myself blush from the oddly sweet treatment as I bit my lip from asking what he was doing. I could only watch as he kept licking, though soon, I felt my hand reach out toward his head. I wanted to curl my fingers in his red locks as he continued his gentle treatment, but it all stopped when I heard a knock at the door.
"First you drop the laundry, then you leave a mess of glass in the kitchen? You need reeducating right this instant." I heard Reiji yell from the other side. I looked around, noticing a lack of red haired vampire. That....was that another day dream? I went to stand up and that's when I noticed the band aides had come off. They seemed to be stuck to my hands but....why? Was it not a dream? What was happening to me? Before I could think harder on it, Reiji pounded against the door again, making me hurry towards the door. I'd have to worry about it later, even though I really wanted to think about it now....this odd behavior might end up controlling my life if I didn't get to the root of it, and fast.
I made up my mind to go to the hospital later in the day to figure out once and for all. As I made up my mind, I steeled myself for the wrath I faced as I opened the door to an enraged Reiji.

A/N: Finally finished the chapter.....I know it's super late.....please forgive me......I've been dealing with massive writers block so it's been hard to write.....anyway, I hope you all liked it. I'll try to publish the next chapter as soon as I can but.....I can't promise how soon......sorry again.....

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