Chasing Hardships

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When I had opened my eyes the next night, I felt refreshed. It was like my heart was lightened after last night. The only problem: I didn't know if I had dreamt it or not. I mean, Ayato showing other emotions besides conceit and his sky breaking ego just didn't seem possible. It also hurt me later on after I had snapped at him, as he didn't deserve as much as I gave. Maybe that was why I had such a dream?
I shook away the weird thoughts and got out of bed. It was finally time to stop moping around and get some things done, such as school. I was lucky that two of the three days I had holed up in my room was the weekend, but I have now missed a day of school. Any more and I know Reiji was going to punish me, and his punishments were scary. Last time was just...awe-inspiring. I didn't know that the human body could stretch in so many different and unique positions.
I headed toward my closet and quickly changed out of my pajamas and into my school uniform. I checked myself in the mirror, fixing my (H/C) hair and making sure I didn't look like a mess. After everything was in order, I opened the door and stepped out into the hall.
Outside, I ran into none other than Reiji...oh boy...I gave a nervous smile and looked around for any escape routes. There were none...perfect. "Hey Reiji..." I said, my tone also showcasing my nervousness. I am so screwed!
Reiji just glared down at me, fixing his glasses as he usuallly did. "You finally decided to stop wasting space and come out of your room." He stated, ice dripping off his voice. "I was about to drag you out if you hadn't stopped the obnoxious groveling I would have had to punish you again. The upper floors could use a good cleaning."
I tensed and let out an awkward chuckle. "Oh, um...well, I'm feeling better now, so..." I trailed off, rubbing the back of my neck. Cleaning...the last time I dislocated my back in three places, my arms in a total of fifteen places, my neck only one place, and my legs in a total of eight. I never wanted to do it again! "I'm gonna...go get some breakfast now." I added, sidestepping past him, staying close to the wall.
As I hurried away, I kept my head down. The kitchen wasn't far from my room so I wasn't too worried about running into anyone. They were pretty antisocial this early in the night, so I'm sure I could safely finish eating before having any sort of confrontation. Maybe I could even convince the limo driver to take me to school early like I had the entire week I had avoided them, but Reiji was awake. It probably wouldn't work as well as I wanted...
As I got to the kitchen, I just had a bowl of cereal, not wanting to really make anything. I had just gotten seated when I felt a cold presence. Of course they would be social when I finally come out of my room. Why couldn't they sleep in like normal vampiric teenagers? Act your age boys!
His hands held a tight grip on my shoulders and held me there as his fangs grazed across my neck. I could only stiffen and wait for the inevitable bite that would proceed...but it never did. I loosened a bit, going to look back at the odd behaving brother when it happened. He sunk his fangs into my neck, getting easier access due to my muscles being loosened. I bit my bottom lip to stop from screaming, my hands clutching the edge of the table. I could only wait for everything to end and for him, whoever he was, to go on his way.
As he finished, I slumped toward the table, my strength having left me a couple gulps of blood ago. He backed away and I could almost feel the smirk digging into my back. Perfect...if I guessed correctly, which I usually did for as long as I've been here, it would either be Laito or Ayato. But, neither of them could keep quiet for this long...odd. Wonder if I should say something?
Not necessary, though, as he spoke up. "Well Bitch-chan, it's so nice of you to come out of your room." Laito said with that disgusting lift in his tone. He was high and mighty in his own way, just like all the other members of their crazed family. "I've missed the sweet taste of your blood." He added as he went back to nuzzle my neck.
I pushed away from the table, causing Laito to move away from my already exhausted form. "Laito, please not now." I sighed, picking up my still full bowl. I wasn't hungry anymore. "I'm not in the mood to deal with you and your flirtatious, obnoxious ways." I dumped the uneaten cereal in the trash and washed the bowl. After I put it up, I turned around to see not only the playboy, but the psychotic cutie as well.
I could only sigh as I could only look at them. This could not end well. I just stood there, waiting for it to get done and over with. I felt them come closer, their fangs hovering over my neck and wrist, when they were pulled away. Behind was, once again, Reiji. I couldn't believe I felt relief to see him, but he was probably the safest option at the moment.
"Couldn't you do such disgusting act in the privacy of your own rooms?" He asked, his tone cold and sharp, just like an icicle. He was not happy, but whether that was because of me or them, I was afraid to ask. "You should at least try to act like mature adults."
Laito just rolled his eyes as Kanato disappeared. Laito soon followed suit and I almost sagged with both exhaustion and relief. They were gone...for now at least. I was about to say something when I saw his icy glare was directed at me, telling me to shut up. I could almost hear the lecture he wanted to give, but I guess even this was too early for strict second son. He just gave out a frustrated sigh and walked out. I could only watch with worry and fear before I slumped against the floor, done with the night and it had just started.
I sat in the kitchen, just hiding until it was time to leave. I grabbed a granola bar to snack on after homeroom and scurried out to where the limo was waiting. The other brothers had just arrived and got in ahead of me. I was seated between Shu and Reiji, so it was definitely an awkward ride to school. I would look between the two of them before the floor, and then Subaru, lastly landing on each of the triplets.
Ayato was last and I remembered the stupid dream from last night. My face flushed and I went back to looking at the floor of the expensive car. I could hear someone cough, which confused me since I didn't think vampires got sick, but I didn't look up. I stayed looking at the floor until the limo stopped and I hurried out as soon as the door opened. I was praising whatever deity actually existed for putting me in different classes than the green eyed egotist.
I hurried and sat down, my head in the palms of my hands. I needed to forget the dream, cause if I didn't, I would end up acting however I was currently acting at the moment! I let my head fall onto my desk, the action causing a thud. Those who were already in the room looked over at me, but that was the extent of their interest.
And so, I stayed like that until the bell rang and the teacher walked in. "Class rep, the greeting." He said with a monotone voice. Sounded like he wasn't all that excited to be here today.
I stood up, looking around. "Stand." Everyone stood with their arms to their sides. "Bow." Everyone bowed to the teacher before sitting back down and he began role call. Class had started, so it was time to chase Ayato from my mind.
As each class started and ended, I made studying my main priority. I took extra thorough notes and answered questions from both classmates and teachers. During breaks, I studied without leaving the classroom and helped the teachers when they asked for it. I played the perfect student, not letting anyone know what was going through my mind.
At the worst times, if something reminded me a the red haired boy, he would consume my thoughts. I took the long routes when I helped carry things so I could avoid his classroom. It was toture, but I didn't know if I wanted it to end.
I let out an exhausted sigh as I took a bite of the granola bar, leaning against the door of the history storage closet. I couldn't taste anything as his bright green eyes flitted across my memories. His messy red hair as it rustles with the breeze. His pale, porcelain skin seeming to shine under the light, making him absolutely glow. I was stuck with this dream until the door opened, causing me to fall backwards, choking on the granola bar.
I looked up, about to ask what whomever it was wanted, but I instantly lost my breath. Ayato stood above me, looking at me with both shock and confusion. It looked perfect on his features. I felt a blush rush up to my cheeks and I quickly sat up to hide it. "What do you want Ayato?" I asked, standing back up and brushing the nonexistent dust and dirt off my uniform. "I'm surprised you're even here."
"Ore-sama needed to get something he left behind." He said, pushing past me to get inside. I fell into a shelf, the edge of it digging into my side, but I didn't scream. I couldn't let him know. He was out of sight for a few seconds before he came back holding his phone. What had he been doing that caused him to lose his phone?
I just stared at his phone, lost in thought once more. I think this might have bugged him cause I heard him growl. I looked up to see fury in his eyes. Right...he didn't like being ignored...but was he saying something? I'm sure I would have noticed if he had been. "What is it? Did the great you get forced to do actual work?" I asked, crossing my arms to show I didn't care.
"That is none of your concern pancake." He said, pinning me against the wall. "Your only concern is to give me the blood running through your veins." And with that, he bit down into my neck and began drinking. I let out a soft scream, though it sounded like a moan to my ears. Why was that? I just covered my mouth as he drank, trying not to make too much noise. We couldn't get caught like this, it would get him in trouble.
As he drank, my mind began going blank, emptying out as less blood reached the many parts of my brain. After a little while, I lost all feeling in my arms, causing the hand covering my mouth slipped down. My mouth was just slightly parted as I struggled to breath. "A-Ayato..." I mumbled, dancing white and black stars moving across my vision. He pulled away after, looking at me as I fell to the ground.
The last thing I saw before I passed out was Ayato, licking the escaping trail of blood from his lips. When I blacked out, I dreamt I was flying into Ayato's arms, giggling and feeling the utmost of joy you could feel when with someone else. We were happy together, always by each others sides. I didn't understand the dream, but I didn't want to question it. I just stayed in joyful bliss until I felt like I was starting to wake up.
As I came around, I felt the sunshine hitting my face as it beamed through the window. Wait...sunshine? I sat up, ignoring the lightheaded feeling the action caused and looked around. It looked about noon, from where the sun was positioned, and I was in my room. I had missed afternoon classes! I looked around the room and saw my uniform hanging on a chair. Wait...I looked down and saw I was in my
I was left in my confused state until the door opened to reveal the butler. It was always surprising to see him, seeing as I have only seen him maybe two times prior during my stay here. He bowed before placing a tray full of food in front of me and then leaving. I stared at it before digging in, my stomach eternally grateful. I was so invested in my food that I didn't notice someone else come in.
The bed sagged when I finally decided to look up. There sat Ayato with the most gentlest look that I have ever seen him show. "Ayato? What do you want?" I asked, feeling my heart squeeze with joy and anticipation.
"Sorry about this." He said, brushing my cheek lightly before cupping the side of my face. "You weren't supposed to be out this long." He leaned in and hugged me, causing me to blush. We stayed like that until he pulled away, looking me in the eyes. He leaned forward until his lips brushed mine, then everything got hazy.
I sat up, looking around. It was the nurse's office...I sighed and looked at my hands. It was another dream. I heard Ayato outside and let out another sigh. I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my head on my knees. I had fallen for the most arrogant person imaginable, but it was blissful in it's own way. It was a hard path to follow, but I would never change it.

A/N: I'm now starting Ayato's story! Sorry it's kind of a filler since I wrote it in an hour...I may have forgotten to write it...I'll do better about writing the rest of the story...also tired from the con I went excuse, I know, but please forgive me! >_<

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