Chapter 3 : Goodbye Is The Hardest Thing To Say.

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I took my hand and smashed it onto my alarm to silance the annoying ear percing beeps. "Heather get up , we need to finish packing our room" I said throwing a pillow at her bed "UGH ! Cee what are you doing and what time is it? We shouldnt be up yet , now GO BACK TO SLEEP !" She screamed at me pulling the covers over her head. "We leave for london in less that 24 hours and we still have stuff to pack. We also have lunch with your brothers and then dinner with my family." I said getting out of bed walking over to her's leaning down so im next to her ear. "Darling , its time to WAKE UP" i yelled and jumped back laughing when she rolled over and crashed onto the floor. "Fine im up but if im cranky today its all your fault" she mummbled angerly but got up and headed to the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast Court?" She asked looking in the fridge. "It looks like hunter made pancakes this morning ther is leftover batter in here. Want some?" She asks turning around raising an eyebrow. "Sure whatever you want to make , I dont care." I muttered distracted by my thoughts of how I am posabily be strong enough to leave my family while i fly 22 hours away.


Theres that damn beeping again. Where the hell is it coming from i wondered. "Oh" i said realizing she was making pancakes and the thing beeps when its done.

"What was that Cee?" She said turning around so she could see me

"Oh nothing , just thinking" I awnsered her faking a smile

"Everything will be okay Courtney i promise , we will get through this together. I will have a hard time leaving to I have been with you guys for 15 years now , dont you think i have grown to love them like my own family" She said walking over to wipe the tears from my cheek. She always knew what was wrong because she is my best friend she knows everything about me and i know everything about her , so it was easy to know what was wrong with each other.

"Thanks for breakfast boo , I am gonna jump in the shower. You can get in moms if you want so it will be faster" I said getting up from the table to wash my dish.

"Will do." She replied with a dazzleing smile.

I walked to our room to get my clothes for the day and a radio and headed towards the bathroom "Oh dont forget we have to go by the daycare one last time to say goodbye and turn in our keys , So we cant be too long" I shouted before closing the bathroom door.

I pluged in the radio and put my phone on the docking station and turned on my favorite taylor swift song before turning on the shower and getting in.

'All I knew this morning when I woke

Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before

And all I've seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now

I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name, everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and i'll be yours

All I know since yesterday is everything has changed'

They dont know about us ! ( One Direction Fan-Fic )Where stories live. Discover now