Chapter 4

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"I hereby leave all my assets, in the form of real estate properties and money to Marta Cabrera.

The sole leadership of Blood like Wine I leave to Marta Cabrera, with the exception that if my grandson Ransom ever decides to sincerely pursue a career in writing, he shall take over Blood Like Wine Publishings."
Alan Stevens looked around the room with a bewildered expression, his gaze finally landing on Marta.

"This can't be true, Harlan must've gone insane!" Linda yelled

"Clearly he wasn't in a sane state of mind when he wrote this, this has to be reversed."Joni now joined the enraged rumbling.

Marta tried to hide in a corner of the room, not wanting to become the center of the Thrombey-rage. Helplessly she glanced over at Ransom, who was sitting in an armchair, seemingly amused and gloatingly laughing out loud.

"Now it also makes sense that Marta came here with Ransom together. He's screwing her to get his share of the money!" Walt exclaimed and now all eyes were on Marta.

"You dirty little slut, first my father, then my son, you're a greedy little whore,Marta!" Linda shouted at her.

Marta practically ran out of the house,just wanted to get away but naturally her scrappy car let her down when she needed it most.

Luckily, Ransom held right in front of her and before she registered what happened, they took off in his beamer, leaving the furious and confused Thrombey's behind, still yelling curses after them.

"Well shit Marta, now you're one of us."

"I'm not anything like you.I didn't ask for this." Marta said with a bitterness in her voice, while staring out of the window, watching the trees passing by.

"Come on Marta, don't get your granny panties in a twist now." Ransom smirked, his eyes never leaving the road ahead of him.

"Why are you helping Meg? Why are you helping me? If you sold us out, everyone would get their share of the inheritance. I'd go to jail for assistance in suicide and negligence and Meg for conspiracy to murder. Shouldn't that please you?"

"As much as I think some time behind bars would help Meg getting off her socialist rollercoaster, what kinda monster do you think I am? The old man killed himself after all, the circumstances are something else. None of you should go to jail for that."

Again, the car was filled with silence.

"I mean, Meg was high as a kite, she didn't reflect on what she was doing."

"Taking the emergency kit seems pretty deliberate to me." Marta huffed.

"She didn't take no emergency kit, she just switched the bottles. What are you talking about?" Ransom was flabbergasted, did Meg not tell him the whole truth?

"I have an emergency kit of Naloxone in my medical bag, which would be an antidote to a
morphine overdose. That evening, it was missing from my bag.I told you that yesterday?"

"Sorry I guess I had...other things... on my mind" Ransom smirked which added onto Marta's embarrassment.

He continued "But if Meg didn't take it and you were sure it was in the bag, there's gotta be someone else involved."

Marta buried her face in her hands once again. "This all is such a mess, I just wanna go home."

"That's the first place they'll come looking for you. I bet Walt already alarmed his army of lawyers to tear you up like a bunch of starving hyenas." Ransom retorted.

Marta sighed but knew he was right and decided to call her mother.

"Hola Mamá, you and Alice need to go to tía Sara, ahora, now. I will explain everything to you,but you need to go.I'm fine,just leave the house."

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