P1: The Massacre of Luspiera Hill and the Grand Council of Ascotia

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Ascotian International Calendar:June 7 1688 IC  NCT: August 10 2064 AD

"Here we go again." Jack says in disappointment. He fought several wyverns but only took down one. Despite this his friend, Ivan Nile, Is determined to get back on the people who caused one of the air squadron members to die in the first place. Now he's being assigned to a ground unit in charge of taking a supposed "hill". It might be a desert or a forest. Nevertheless he continues.

"Moving in the portal in 1 minute!" The commander says. Ivan thinks to himself "How and why did this happen in the first place?". He readies his rifle for the inevitable battle.

Luspiera Hill, Ashait Empire

"Sir. we have detected 5,000 soldiers heading to the hill." An Empire mage says.

'Only 5,000? HAH! We can defeat them with our superior numbers." The lord of one of the provinces in Ashait says in dominance. 

"I don't think it will be that easy my lord. I am detecting a large amount of magic from the portal." The mage says. He gives the magic device to the lord and the lord sees a large concentration of magic heading to the portal area.

"BUNKER DOWN!" The lord says in astonishment. He knows that energy might destroy several thousand people, But he doesn't know there will be no magic battles but a one sided massacre.

Back in New Canteria's side.

"We are heading out in 10 seconds." Says one of the soldiers to Ivan. 

"10-9-8-7..." Ivan wonders if he should be even be going in the portal. He has been serving in the Air Force for 20 years, And he knows someone that has served for a century due to a malfunction by the implanted nanomachines in his body. Ivan thinks that if this whole wyvern incident didn't happen he would have been like the person who served for a century. 

"Move out!" the general says. As Ivan and the other 4,999 people he is stationed with moves into the portal, He thinks, "The main reason why New Canteria invades planets is because of some resource called Plasmite, So if there's ANY of it the New Canterian Republic would start massacring thousands of people just to gain a upper hand against I dunno. Talitonia? Might just call it the New Canterian Empire then." Nevertheless he moves through the portal.

Lusperia Hill, Ashait Empire

Ivan sees a open field and about 2 kilometers away an army of 120,000 troops after he enters the portal. Ivan readies his rifle to full-automatic and waits for the enemy to charge them.

Ivan sees cavalry approaching his location and grabs a megaphone. 

"YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS TO RETREAT BEFORE WE OPEN FIRE!" Ivan says on the megaphone. But the cavalry doesn't stop so he grabs his rifle and waits until the cavalry is in firing distance. 

*rifle and pistol firing sounds and rocket fire*

On the ground were 10,000 cavalry all disintegrated and dead from rockets, rifle and pistol rounds.  Ivan held the megaphone after he waited the 110,000 remaining soldiers to walk 1 kilometer to his position. C.I.D.A reinforcements arrived too. 1,000 troops and 30 tanks arrived.

"RETURN FROM YOUR POSITIONS NOW OR FACE PROSECUTION!" Ivan said out loud to the 110,000 troops that were stationed beyond the frontline. He knew that they wouldn't give up due to the enemy generals incompetence and that if anyone ran they would be punished. But surprisingly 20,500 troops deserted, And with no consequences as well. The other 89,500 approached the New Canterian positions. Ivan says:

"LAST WARNING RETURN FROM YOUR POSITION!". Ivan orders the other troops to be on standby. The tanks prepare their cannons. 

The 89,500 enemy soldiers approach and launch fire arrows to the New Canterian positions. Which in response causes 89,470 to get massacred by rifles, pistols, machine guns, tanks and rockets. The 30 survivors are taken as POWs.

Grand Council of Ascotia

"So I heard about a new nation named New Canteria?" says the representative of Odril. Clearly intrigued by the fact that Ashait was defeated in a recent battle by them, Even though the troops on Ashaits side were once the best on the continent.

"Apparently so, They wield strange iron sticks that launch strange purple bullets that have magic supposedly by the reports from the Ascotian Magic Society, They also have iron carriages with cannons on them." The representative of Ustairia says in confusion. 

"Well what is your stance on this situation? Moreover who supports these New Canterians?" says the representative of Ashait.

6 representatives say that they don't support New Canteria as they are a threat while 16 representatives support New Canterias actions in Ashait. Only one remains indecisive, And that representative is the representative of the Kudroenian Empire.

"Why is the Kudroenian Empire indecisive in this matter? This matter could determine our very lives! You know what happened at Luspiera Hill don't you?" The representative of Eshil says.

"I am indecisive because either option will effect me and my nation in some way, If I chose to support New Canteria my trade routes would be effected due to Ashaits blockade of resources, And if I don't support New Canterias actions in Ashait it could cost my country, My life, And my family." The Kudroenian Empire representative says. The whole room goes silent but nobody changes their vote. Suddenly a report comes in.

"New Canterians are heading for the capital of Ashait!" A messenger reports. The Ashait representative stands in shock.

"What are the New Canterians planning at the capital? Are they going to arrest Her Majesty? Or kill her. Or... There's no way they would be that barbaric." The Ashait representative thought. He was thinking of the millions of possibilities that could happen. Just then a loud noise was heard above the council.


"Give me a description." Says the Kudronenian Empire representative. The scout said that it was made out of metal, It didn't flap its wings, It had a unrecognizable symbol on it. But the most interesting detail was when he said it had the letters C.I.D.A on it.

"Call it off those are Canterians." The Kudronenian Empire representative said. The Ashait representative wanted to interject and the scout too but 3 words from the Kudronenian Empires representative stopped them: "CALL IT OFF!". The New Canterians were going to the capital.

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