Chapter 4 - A Smile Towards Me

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I had Ashton, my childhood bully sitting in my bathroom with his shirt lifted to take care of his wounds. Not once did I ever think that I'd reach a situation like this, I didn't know if I should've let out a chuckle or cry. The bruises covered his whole body, he was red and blue all over and I felt like I could cry just from looking at him. I didn't want to imagine what it would feel like to be him. The stench of alchohol covered the whole room, my nose started to sting from the smell and even though I wanted to cover my nose, cleaning him would be easier if I could use both of my hands. The red stained cloth went up and down his arm as I cleaned him and before I could pull away my hand to dip the cloth in water a hand grabbed my arm.  

I gulped slowly and looked up.

Those gray eyes were locked to mine, it felt as though I couldn't escape his gaze. Even though I wanted to speak no words would come out. His eyes narrowed as he clearly inspected me, he looked around the room, he most likely tried to figure out what was going on. My arm stayed in his grasp and felt cold to his touch, from the water I had used to clean him.

He let out a sigh and let go of me. Moving away wasn't something I felt like doing even tho I could, I just looked down at the ground. My heart was beating so fast to the point it started to hurt. I smiled at my own stupidity for having put myself in a situation like this, taking Ashton to my house was obviously not  gonna end in me having several heart attacks out of shock.


My eyes widened at the words I had just heard, that deep voice just uttered a word I never thought I'd hear from him. "What?" 

Was all I could say. My mind was empty and all I could think about was that "Sorry".

I got up and took a few steps back to give him some space. We were both looking at each other again and his eyebrows were furrowed, was he annoyed? I couldn't tell.

"Femi, sorry about how I used to treat you." He sighed. 

He got up and walked right past me, not giving me a moment to process what he had just said. Sorry? To who? Me? He felt bad about what happened between us, to the point he'd apologize. That should be a good thing, right?

My face felt cold, my eyes darted around the bathroom with equipments spread around the floor. I took in a large breath and walked out the room, stomping my feet in the process. I grabbed Ashton a bit more forcefully than I'd intended to. 

"I'm not done. There are more injuries I need to treat."

His eyes widened and then turned back to it's usual stern look. "Alright."




Ashton stood by my doorstep, his injuries all taken care of. I fidgeted with my fingers as I looked at him, the cold sweat ran down my neck and my throat felt dry. 

"Thank you," I said in a quiet whisper. 

He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again, as if he was thinking of what to say. 

"Why would you help me?" 

His voice sent shivers down my spine, that voice of his was something that always scared me. 

"I dunno. I just felt like it." I smiled. It was true, at the moment all I felt like doing was helping him, even though he had hurt me it was a long time ago. 

A chuckle escaped his lips, "What a strange reason." 

My heart stoped at the sight, at what I had just heard..

He turned around and left, leaving me alone in the chilly hallway.

'Is this the first time he's ever smiled towards me?'

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