Chapter 20 - Getting Closer Under The Moon

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It was a stupid question, a really stupid question, one which Ashton didn't even bother to answer. "Sorry, nevermind. Just forget I asked that," I sighed.

Ashton still looked at the beautiful view of the midnight sky covered in bright stars and clouds. The ground had some people laying down, most likely drunk but it still looked nice. "Why'd you come here?" Ashton's deep voice sprung me out of my thoughts and I turned to him.

"Why shouldn't I?"

His brows furrowed and he gave me a typical cold glare. "'Why?' Have you already forgotten what happened a few days ago?"

"No," my answer came out as easily as breathing. "How could I ever forget?"

His eyes softened. He let out a weak sigh and looked away for a moment.

"I just don't want to miss out on fun just because of some creeps. I don't want them to have that power over me." 

Ashton gave me a soft pat on my head and then smirked. "Seems like you're not that weak crybaby anymore. Never thought you'd change this much."

I couldn't look away from his gaze, it was entrapping. 

"Not your crybaby?"

Ashton's smirk got more mischievous. He looked away to the view, "stupid question."

I felt how my heartbeat quickened. How was he always able to make my body react in such strange ways?

"You should be careful with how you speak," I noticed the glance he gave me and I smirked. "Any girl would think you're into them if you act like that. Or maybe, is it actually like that?"

Ashton chuckled and then leaned in. "And what would you do if it was?"

My heart skipped a beat but I hid the effects his words had on me. "I'd turn you down of course, I've never seen you that way."

His smirk grew wider and he leaned in even closer, to the point where our lips nearly touched. His warm breath tickled my lips and I closed my eyes by instinct.

But our lips never met.

I stayed still for a moment.

And when I opened my eyes he was looking out again.

I could hear his chuckle and my face went warm. 

'How could he do something like that?'

I looked back out at the view and hid just how flushed my face had become. My heart was still beating like crazy but if I just stayed calm for a moment it would've calmed down, eventually. 

I took a quick glance at Ashton and wondered if this had effected him too.

Had his heart quickened?

Even just a little bit?



Darianna had been even stranger than usual at school, she rarely answered when I talked to her and it looked like her head was somewhere else. We sat on top of the staircase, the one few students rarely used, and ate some snacks.

Well it was mainly me, she'd just take a bite out of her chips every few minutes while starring at nothing in a daze.

I'd never seen her like this from all the years I had known her.

"We should probably get to class, Ashton and Mako are probably waiting." 

Darianna sprung up at my words and her face flushed. "Mako.." she whispered quietly, more to herself than me.

"Yes Mako." I eyed her carefully and then smiled. "Do you.. like him?"

She turned to me with wide eyes and gripped her chips so tightly I wondered if the chips were even intact anymore.

"I would never-"

"Right," I smirked.

I got up and skipped down the stairs as I heard Darianna fumbling with her belongings as she ran down the stairs.

"Girl don't even," she glared at me and that only made me laugh more. 

Her dark skin made it hard, but if I looked closely there was a tint that showed that she was blushing.

'Seems like my best friend has finally fallen in love.'

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