Chapter 11 - Just Stay A Little Longer

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Some days had passed since we had started the group project and Mako had mentioned the party, well today was that day. I had gone on a shopping spree with Darianna, one she forced me into, so that I'd have some clothes that'd actually fit the occasion. It was shocking that she'd actually accepted Mako's offer about the party, she had always been a party girl but for her to be fine with Mako, Ashton's friend, was what threw me off. 

Asking about it would be trivial, she'd most likely would've avoided the question or given me a half hearted reply so I just chose to not even bother. 

I met up with Darianna, her hair was in a slicked back puff as per usual. We then headed for the party and saw Mako inside. He was letting loose, a drink in one hand while holding a woman in the other. He was showing off his charming smile again and laughing with everyone around him. He soon after noticed us and let go of the woman to walk up to us. "So how do you like it?" he smiled.

"I've been at better parties," Darianna said and took a gulp of her drink. Mako chuckled at her words.

"Really? Better invite me to them when you get the chance."

"I'll think about it," she smirked.

Mako turned to look at me, "how about you?"

"Me? Oh, well.. it's alright." Honestly the music was a bit too loud for my liking but I was better off keeping that for myself.

The music was making my ears ring and the place felt like it was getting hotter by the minute. I felt thankful over choosing to wear a sleeveless dress. My eyes wandered the place as if it was searching for something, searching for someone

"Looking for Ashton?" Mako said with a warm smile.

"N- no, well.."

"I think I saw him going to the second floor, you should find him there." He pointed up and I nodded. I turned to leave but felt a hand grasp my arm. 

"Don't run off alone," Darianna said. Her light brown eyes were filled with a sense of worry. So I smiled at her.

"Right, but wouldn't it be better to stay with Mako? So he doesn't end up alone. Plus you two seem to be getting along well. " She frowned at me and then clicked her tongue.

"He can keep himself company," she walked in front of me, still holding my hand and dragged me out of the crowd. "Now come on, let's go."

We squeezed through the people chilling on the stairs and got to the second floor. "Why would Ashton come to a party? That's not very like him," I muttered. 

"Why not go ask him yourself? You seem to have taken a interest in him. Are you maybe into bullies or something?" She smirked with furrowed brows, clearly taunting me. 

"It's not like that!" 

"Hmmm, sure," she hummed. "I still don't trust that guy though."

"He's not that bad.. anymore."

"I'll have to see that for myself," she mumbled.

My eyes instantly caught the tall boy standing at the edge of hallway, his gray eyes were visible even from all the way over here. The tiny eyebrow piercing shimmered under the light. Before I knew it I was standing right in front of him with Darianna by my side. I breathed in slowly to calm my heart. 'Why is my heart beating so fast?'

"Why'd you come to the party?" I asked.

"Doesn't really have anything to do with you, does it?"

"Ahh.. really? Or did you perhaps come since you knew I'd be here?" His eyes sharpened and then went back to his stoic expression. 

"Believe whatever you want, crybaby." He smirked. 

His smirk grew wider as he noticed how my body jolted over his words. He glanced over at me and Darianna and then stepped between us. 

"Seems like I have no reason to stay so I might as well leave."

My hand reached out to touch him but stopped halfway. I wanted to tell him to wait but couldn't. Why did I even want him to stay? Was it just because I was intrigued by him like I've been thinking all this time, or was it something more? Just..


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