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It was now the interviews and Thalia had been rushed out of bed in the morning by her prep team so the could begin the beautifying process.

Stripping her of her unnecessary body hair and scrubbing her skin raw. It took an hour and a half just to do that before they started on her hair, shampooing, conditioning and a mask. That took another hour. Finally they had finished and Aquilla walked in.

'Ok so I want you to close your eyes until I'm done ok.' He asked approaching the cabinet with her dress in.

'Ok' she returned closing her eyes and putting a hand over them.

30 minutes later Aquilla announced that he was done.

'You can look now.' Turning towards the mirror Thalia was in shock, the dress was stunning, white and floaty. It had golden bands around the waist, arms and neck. Her hair was down and wavy. The only way to describe it would be beautiful, she looked absolutely beautiful.

'Aquilla it's amazing, thank you so much for all you've done for me

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'Aquilla it's amazing, thank you so much for all you've done for me.' She said giving him a light hug as to not mess up the look.

'Ooh my child it's all been a pleasure and I'm still betting on you remember, now let's get you in that queue and remember say what you think, don't hold back.' He said in a soft voice as if to avoid being heard.

Thalia laughed, 'when do I ever?' This caused her stylist to, to let out a breathy chuckle as they walked to the other victors in the line.

They all stared at her as she strutted confidently to her place. All admired her for what she'd over come and been through at the age of 15.

Quickly, they started to be called up, first district 1, Cashmere wouldn't stop crying, trying to spin a sob story to the crowd. And so on.

Beetee went on about how the games could be unwritten if they had been written in.

Finnick sent a message to Annie about how much he loves her and if he dies will be thinking of her.

It was then Thalia's turn.

'And now let us welcome Panem's youngest ever victor, you know, you love her. Thalia Kaye.' The crowds went ballistic as she walked on, most of them marvelled at her gorgeous dress.

Her face remained impassive and cold just how it always was in the public eye.

'Hello Thalia, how are you?' Caesar asked in a fake authenticity.

'Well given the circumstances, I'm not doing to good, you know going in to possibly die and all.' She replied in a sarcastic voice making Caesar tensed a-bit knowing what this girl was capable of. And the other victors smirk knowing that she would tell the people exactly how it is.

'I guess that's understandable.' Caesar continued trying his best to not upset her. 'What do you think about all of this then?'

It was a stupid question for him to ask everyone knew it but he had asked non the less.

'What do I think? I think it's all bullshit. All of it. We were meant to be safe, to live a life of luxury for the rest of our lives. No more reapings. I did all that at 12 and I survived, I killed 19 of my tributes and got out. Now I'm back.' When she said this the crowds started to cheer think she meant it in a different way.

'Shut up.' And the space went deadly silent. 'I'm not finished. I'm back, at 15. I lived 3 years without being reaped. Those years weren't peaceful or relaxing. They were horrible, snow trying to sell me. Much like he has done with the other "desirable" victors. But I refused, Snow doesn't like refusal, usually if you refuse he kills people you care about. I don't have any so he had nothing on me.'

She took a pause to look at the startled faces of the audience. 'I think it's all a lie. That's what I think.' She finished.

Caesar tried to get it back on to a positive tone. 'That's certainly a way to put it, Thalia. How about you sing us one of your songs as a parting gift.'


'Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve?
Whoa, we get what we deserve
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go
Way down we go
You let your feet run wild
Time has come as we all, oh, go down
Yeah but for the fall, ooh, my
Do you dare to look him right in the eyes? Yeah
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark
Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall
And they will run you down, down 'til you go
Yeah, so you can't crawl no more
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til you fall
Way down we go
Oh baby, yeah
Oh, baby
Way down we go
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go, ooh
Way down we go'

She stood up and took her place next to Finnick leaving everyone to get back to reality.

More victors came on. Joanna started screaming telling everyone to fuck themselves.

It was Katniss' turn and she did her dress thing. It turned into a bird, mocking jay, making most people gasp in delight.

Finally Peter was on. Him and Caesar started to go back and forth, before he dropped the bomb.
'I'd have no regrets if it weren't for ...... the baby.'

Thalia knew it wasn't real and that pissed her off even more at the pair.

People started to shout out about cancelling the games and calling them off as the victors joined hands as a sign of solidarity, that the youngest knew wouldn't last.

Then the lights went out and they were all rushed off screen, so they wouldn't stir things up anymore than they already had.

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