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When a scream was heard. Katniss rushed up shouting about a girl called prim. Finnick went after her and because of that so did Thalia.

When they reached the girl she was standing with a bird at her feet. 'Ha Jabberjays. Of course.' She laughed lightly. Then Annie's scream echoed through the jungle making Finnick look up and run off. They soon found the bird responsible.

This time it was Thalia's mums but she did not react, she knew they were dead, she watched it. So there attempt to torture her was useless.

Soon they were surrounded. Katniss and Finnick ran to get back to the beach but Thalia took her time. During her walk she found a jay just sitting on a branch not making a sound like the others. She picked it up and set it on her shoulder, weirdly it snuggled up closer nuzzling it's head into her neck.

'Hi' she said wondering if it would copy. It didn't disappoint m, seconds later an identical hi sounded from the bird. On her way down to the beach she carried on talking to the bird, though it was on her finger instead.

Looking at the others ahead, she saw Finnick and Katniss on the floor holding their heads, trying and failing to block out the noises. The remaining victors seemed to just be standing there but Thalia caught a glimpse and knew a force field separated them.

She sat in the floor cross legged and carried on talking to her bird as it flew around her body landing occasionally in different places.

In what seemed to be minutes to Thalia the other birds had stopped talking and flew away, the force field went down and everyone was back together. However her bird didn't go back it stayed pitched on her shoulder, looking as if it were asleep.

Thalia was watching the creature when she heard a shift in the air and ping of a bow sting. She caught the arrow before it got a chance to hit the bird. Looking in the direction it came from she saw all of her "allies" staring at her in shock.

'How did you do that? Why aren't you affected? Why are you protecting it? Why is it just sitting there?' All came out in a rush.

'I just caught it, it's not a big deal. I'm not affected because I have no one left that I love, so unlike you idiots I know that it's fake. I'm protecting it because I like him. He's just sitting there because he obviously likes me. I think I'll name him, Pablo.' She answered all of them before thinking out loud.

Joanna chuckled at the girls antics before saying she was going to get water, from the spiel they had received from a sponsor. Katniss went to stop her but was just brushed her off.

When she came back Katniss asked about annie and Joanna told her, finishing off with 'love is weird'.

Thalia agreed and never really saw the point of it.

'I have a plan' Beetee said and Thalia got everyone to gather around. 'Where would the careers feel safest?' He asked as if teaching a class.

'The jungles a nightmare.' Joanna said

'Probably on the beach.' Peter answered.

'Then why are they not here?' Beetee again asked them.

'Because we are. We claimed it.' Thalia said as she petted Pablo.

Beetee carried in to explain how they were going to electrocute the careers and everyone was on board, Thalia however felt a pang as she knew that Brutus would die.

She stomped off to hit something and the rest thought it best to leave her as they heard the distant thud of her hand in the wood and an occasional angered scream. Most of them knew how close her and Brutus were so appreciated that it was hard for her.

'Is there anything we can do to help?' Peter asked trying to distract the group from the girl.

'Keep me alive for the next 6 hours, that would be very helpful.' Beetee answered as they all set to work and packed up slowly.

Finnick went up to Thalia to check she was ok. She had destroyed one of the trees and moved on to the next, her wraps giving her some slight protection.

'Hey, you alright?' Finnick asked when he was in hearing distance of her. She stayed silent and continued what she was doing. 'I know Brutus is family to you but this might be our best shot to take him down' he continued trying to get any response from her.

'I know that but I don't want to kill him. He's like a second dad to me, he taught me to fight, kept boys away, sang to me. This whole thing is making me kill the only family I've ever had. It's all Snows fault, I'm going to kill him when I get out.' Thalia words resonated around the whole of Panem's they listened to her and started to fight for her.

'Ok, how about you sing us a song while we wait. I'll get everyone.' Finnick said walking around the group getting them to crowd round. All listened intently to her.

My feet are aching
And your back is pretty tired
And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe
And set our grief aside
The papers say it's doomsday
The button has been pressed
We're gonna nuke each other up boys
'Til old Satan stands impressed
And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth runs to the ground
Oh girl, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Oh, it's you I watch TV with
As the world, as the world caves in
You put your final suit on
I paint my fingernails
Oh, we're going out in style, babe
And everything's on sale
We creep up on extinction
I pull your arms right in
I weep and say goodnight, love
While my organs pack it in
And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth runs to the ground
Oh girl, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Oh, it's you I watch TV with
As the world, as the world caves
Oh, it's you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
Yes it's you I welcome death with
As the world, as the world caves in
As the world caves in

It's seemed fitting to the occasion, they all were in awe as her voice sounded around the beach and well into the jungle. Brutus heard her and shed a single tear because he knew that she sang like this when she was sad.

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