All Things Come to an End Over Time

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Espresso was experimenting. Not on coffee, not on himself.

For Madeleine.

Madeleine was temporarily suspended from going into battle, so he didn't assist with the Dark Cacao Kingdom rescue. He was rather sad about this, but he knew he didn't want to be beaten up so badly again.

Espresso took the fifth book about Cookie Body Parts and read the second paragraph again, before he took a spanner and tightened another bolt on the steel croissant boot. Nearly complete. He supposed he should probably rest when he finished. There were just a few more butter bolts and jelly jam wires he had to stuff in, and then he'd be done and ready for testing tomorrow.


Madeleine was busy in the kingdom's town square, telling all the cookie residents about his adventure to the island. He said he survived a great blow from the Terrible Tortuca, and all the little cookie children gasped and shrieked at the mere mention of his name.

Eventually he had to say goodbye. He was going to meet Dark Cacao cookie and hear his heroic stories and how he could become more powerful next week after Vanilla was sure he recovered.

But first he needed some rest, and he wanted to polish his armour. He wanted to look his best for next week.

Madeleine noticed lately Espresso was more absent. Was he returning to working on his Espresso-related Machines? Probably. Usual Espresso.

As he began putting on his blue pyjamas with lots of white swords over it, he noticed a hot-air balloon floating over the sky, with Custard and Pure Vanilla.

He wondered where they were going.

As well as when he was going to make a move he held back for a while.


Early next morning, Espresso finally completed the boots. They were polished, neatly designed and with little wings on the back. He just needed a test subject to make sure they were safe for walking. He didn't want to give them to him immediately, so he decided on someone knowledgeable in robotics. Strawberry Crepe Cookie.

"What's this? They look awful! These aren't cool whatsoever!" Crepe was disgusted by the choice of colours and the look in general. "Use more pink, and more chocolate, and waffles, then they will look more awesome, and certainly more wearable!"

"I understand your point, but this is for someone. Mainly to help them stay on the ground more." Espresso countered.

Crepe chuckled. "Alright, fine. If I, however, go flying or get hurt, I'll set the wafflebots on you!" This seemed a fair deal, so Espresso let them test the boots. He helped Crepe put on the light yellow boots and tasked her to go up a steep hill.

Strawberry started heading upwards, occasionally tripping due to their short legs. She made it to the top eventually. Espresso then commanded her to run down the hill, which she did, with no tripping this time.

They worked as intended, albeit a bit too heavy for Crepe due to how light they were. 

"Thank you, that's all I need. You may go." Espresso said as he took the boots.

"Shame they didn't malfunction! I wanted to beat you up with the Wafflebots." Crepe said threateningly. Espresso took his leave, walking until out of sight of Crepe in which he began to run.

He decided to give the boots to Madeleine now. He had built the boots, gave them a nice exterior, and made them work. He was tired and wanted to work on other things. 

Eventually, he went to Madeleine's, but he found the house empty. It was odd, he was usually in here when injured. He waited for a few minutes... and drifted off.


Madeleine was walking back from going to Espresso's. He couldn't find him so he decided to wait a few minutes before going back. When he arrived, he noticed Espresso out in the cold, with a package by his shoes.

He carried him inside despite his injuries, and set him on his bed. He put the package to one side, and went back downstairs to get some hot water biscuits.

Espresso awoke. He was lying in Madeleine's bed. "Oh fuck. Oooohhh nooooo... I hope what I think has happened hasn't happened." He looked down and saw he was clothed, and breathed a sigh of relief. He noticed the robotic shoes, still wrapped up, on the bedside table.

Espresso took the shoes and tried to leave, but was blocked by Madeleine's larger body. He looked up towards Madeleine's masculine face.

"Hey Espresso! Get back in bed, you're colder than your stare!" Espresso was unsure whether this was an insult or a compliment, so he just go back into Madeleine's bed. His bed was soft, like clouds, and his sheets and pillow was navy blue with light yellow stars and swords all over them. Espresso thought this was really cute, but hid this thought behind a expressionless face. He shivered a little. "I have lots of warm water biscuits! You can get under the cover and I'll put the biscuits over your body so you warm up faster."

Espresso, as commanded, lifted up the blanket. It slowly descended onto him and was super heavy. It practically crushed him under it's weight. Madeleine walked over and towered over him, and put the biscuits around his legs and arms, on his belly and around his head. Madeleine then sat on the end of the bed, watching over him like his personal guardian angel.

"Oh, I must ask! What's that little gift thingy you had with you? I left it on the bedside table, just in case you didn't want me opening it." Madeleine asked. Espresso shifted, and pointed at him. 

"It's for you, go ahead, open it." Espresso watched Madeleine stare at the box curiously and he slowly approached it. He took the box and gently held it. He opened it and immediately gasped and smiled, his eyes star-struck. He set the box down and took out the shoes and immediately put them on. 

"Espresso!! I love them! They are so well designed and comfy." Madeleine walked around his bedroom, the shoes making a clanking noise with very step. He was jumping around and gave no shits about the stuff in his room.

Espresso smiled weakly, and was happy that Madeleine liked them so much. He wished he could get up and show him more things the shoe could do. "Ooooohhhh!! I love them almost as much as you! Thank you so much!!" Madeleine said happily. Espresso was beaming, and the water biscuits made him warmer.

Madeleine leaned over and kissed his forehead. "I have something for you too~!" Madeleine rushed downstairs. Espresso tried to escape the crushing force of biscuits and the super heavy blanket, he managed to shake off the super hot biscuits, but was still pressed down by the blanket.

Madeleine rushed upstairs and was carrying a small rectangular box. "Espresso, these boots help a lot! I didn't trip on the stairs once!" Espresso sat up a little, and smiled more. He was very warm from the many biscuits. Madeleine shoved the box into his hands. Espresso looked at it. It was rather small and coated in leather.

Espresso opened the little box and a small necklace with a small heart in the middle sat there, in a square of red fabric. The heart was cracked, like a broken heart. Madeleine reached into the box and revealed there were two necklaces. One was the right half of the broken half, the other was the left side. 

"One is for me, the other is for you! When we are together, we can put them together!" Madeleine said, pleased with himself. "Avocado Cookie helped me make it! It was actually rather hard." He scratched his head and put on his necklace. 

"T-thank you... it's amazing, Madeleine." Espresso stuttered. Madeleine and Espresso hugged, and Madeleine kissed Espresso's forehead again. "Let's get you some Espresso, you need it. You're very tired looking!" Madeleine lifted Espresso with both his strong arms and took him down to the Kitchen.

(Thank you for your patience whilst waiting for this chapter. This book is now complete, thank you for reading!)

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